Neunteufel, M., Schöberl, J., & Sturm, K. (2023). Numerical shape optimization of the Canham-Helfrich-Evans bending energy. Journal of Computational Physics, 488, Article 112218.
In this paper we propose a novel numerical scheme for the Canham-Helfrich-Evans bending energy based on a three-field lifting procedure of the distributional shape operator to an auxiliary mean curvature field. Together with its energetic conjugate scalar stress field as Lagrange multiplier the resulting fourth order problem is circumvented and reduced to a mixed saddle point problem involving only second order differential operators. Further, we derive its analytical first variation (also called first shape derivative), which is valid for arbitrary polynomial order, and discuss how the arising shape derivatives can be computed automatically in the finite element software NGSolve. We finish the paper with several numerical simulations showing the pertinence of the proposed scheme and method.