Yeliseyev, V., Fleer, L., Shevchenko, A., Shevchenko, S., Haddadi, B., Ruzova, T., & Harasek, M. (2022). Evaluation of the Dynamic Characteristics of a Particle Penetrating into Liquid Cast Iron. Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
The paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of solid particle freely falling and flying in the gas flow. Authors described process of crossing gas-liquid interface and further movement of the particle in the liquid. Solid particle penetrating liquid induces formation of a gasfilled cavity behind, which expands relatively slowly and then rapidly collapses. Simulation of this process presents great difficulties associated with solution of Navier-Stokes equations with two-phase free boundaries. Numerical solution of such problems requires
significant computational resources and provides an over-precision result. At the same time, for practical purposes, in most cases, it is sufficient to establish whether a dispersed particle crosses the gas-liquid interface and enter the liquid at a speed sufficient for further movement or it will stay in the injection area. In latter case solid-phase reagents evaporation will occur not in the entire
melt volume, but only in the injection area. Authors propose a simple method to estimate immersion depth of magnesium and lime particles
in liquid iron. The paper shows that simulation results obtained using the proposed numerical method coincide
with the experimental data with acceptable accuracy and may be used in engineering practice. The simulation of specific problems related to immersion depth of two types of particles (solid magnesium and lime) showed that even at high velocities the particles are not deeply immersed in the liquid metal. This is especially true for small particles of lime that practically do not penetrate the metal surface. The analysis of process video-records confirms the reliability of proposed model.