Mascherbauer, P., Songmin Yu, Kranzl, L., & Georgia Asimakopoulou. (2023, October 5). PROSUMAGER IMPACT ON ELECTRICITY LOAD PROFILES: A MODEL COMPARISON [Conference Presentation]. European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform 2023 (ECEMP), Austria.
E370-03 - Forschungsbereich Energiewirtschaft und Energieeffizienz
Date (published):
Event name:
European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform 2023 (ECEMP)
Event date:
5-Oct-2023 - 6-Oct-2023
Event place:
modelling; building stock; prosumager; demand response
With the increasing uptake of heat pumps (HP) and photovoltaic (PV) within the European building stock, demand side management becomes an increasingly attractive option to balance the volatile share of renewable electricity generation. "Prosumagers," or households that consume, produce, and manage their own electricity, could play a critical role in the energy transition. To increase the knowledge of their impact on the power system, it is essential to model such prosumaging households properly. This paper contributes to this topic by comparing two different modeling approaches for individual prosumaging households with a focus on the following indicators: Load Factor, shifting electricity consumption and PV self-consumption.