Nenning, A., Opitz, A. K., Rameshan, R., Rameshan, C., Klötzer, B., Fleig, J., & Siebenhofer, M. (2023, May 2). Electrochemical in-situ characterisation of the solid oxide cell surface chemistry [Conference Presentation]. Conference of Applied Surface Technology 2023, Wien, Austria.
E164 - Institut für Chemische Technologien und Analytik E164-04-3 - Forschungsgruppe Festkörperionik
Date (published):
Event name:
Conference of Applied Surface Technology 2023
Event date:
2-May-2023 - 3-May-2023
Event place:
Wien, Austria
APXPS; SOFC; electrochemistry
Solid oxide cells are a highly promising technology for efficiently converting between electrical and
chemical energy in either fuel or electrolysis cell operation. These cells operate at high temperatures
of 600-800°C, as they require high oxygen anion mobility. The efficiency and performance of these
cells largely depend on the reaction rate of oxygen exchange reactions at the electrode surfaces.
These reactions include oxygen anion incorporation and release on the air side and water splitting,
H₂ oxidation, or CO₂ splitting on the fuel side. Typical cells use complex porous electrodes with high
but unknown active surface area, which is hardly accessible for surface characterisation.
In this work, we show the results of combined ambient pressure XPS and electrochemical
experiments on model cells with thin film electrodes on which we investigate the material-specific
reaction rate and surface chemistry under operation conditions. A fascinating aspect is that
surface chemistry strongly deviates from the nominal bulk and changes with time and operation
conditions. This talk presents a survey of experiments that show the complex interplay of model cell
operation conditions, surface chemistry and surface reaction rate of fuel and air electrode materials.
Key results include tracking of cation segregation, sulphur impurity-driven degradation by
modification of surface dipoles and the in-situ exsolution of catalytically active Fe nanoparticles.
Research facilities:
Analytical Instrumentation Center Universitäre Service-Einrichtung für Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
Project (external):
Project ID:
W1243 "FOXSI"
Additional information:
Electrochemical in-situ characterisation of the solid oxide cell surface chemistry
Research Areas:
Materials Characterization: 50% Surfaces and Interfaces: 50%