Gillibert, P., Jonusas, J., Kompatscher, M., Mottet, A., & Pinsker, M. (2022). When symmetries are not enough: a hierarchy of hard constraint satisfaction problems. SIAM Journal on Computing, 51(2), 175–213.
We produce a class of ω-categorical structures with finite signature by applying a model-theoretic construction-a refinement of the Hrushovski-encoding-to ω-categorical structures in a possibly infinite signature. We show that the encoded structures retain desirable algebraic properties of the original structures, but that the constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) associated with these structures can be badly behaved in terms of computational complexity. This method allows us to systematically generate ω-categorical templates whose CSPs are complete for a variety of complexity classes of arbitrarily high complexity and ω-categorical templates that show that membership in any given complexity class containing AC0 cannot be expressed by a set of identities on the polymorphisms. It moreover enables us to prove that recent results about the relevance of topology on polymorphism clones of ω-categorical structures also apply for CSP templates, i.e., structures in a finite language. Finally, we obtain a concrete algebraic criterion which could constitute a description of the delineation between tractability and NP-hardness in the dichotomy conjecture for first-order reducts of finitely bounded homogeneous structures.
Research Areas:
Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations: 95% Computer Science Foundations: 5%