Bühlmann, V. (2023, September 13). At the Shore of the Music Sum: The Marriage of Time and Light [Keynote Presentation]. Image Acts and Still Lifes: Art and Aesthetics of Forgetting, Buti, Italy.
E259-04 - Forschungsbereich Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie
Date (published):
Event name:
Image Acts and Still Lifes: Art and Aesthetics of Forgetting
Event date:
13-Sep-2023 - 16-Sep-2023
Event place:
Buti, Italy
Mathematics; Art; Conservation; Forgetting; Liberal Arts; Canon; Muses; Music; Michel Serres; Method
At the Shore of
the Music Sum: Marriage of Light and Time
The Memory of the World, wretched and old,
but mother to nine daughters, muses to Orpheus’s formation, plan the banquet for a Cosmic Wedding: Light and Time are giving their vows to each other. Light and Time make their pact to devote themselves to the well-being of the other in a spiritual relation that transcends them both: this relation is to be “con-summated”. In the case of the Marriage between Light and Time, the indefinite con-summation of their relation concerns every thing and any one on Earth and in the Universe – the Muses’s teachings, hence, are teachings on luxuriation, Gk polytéleia, for many ends in many bundles of many lines. They train the liberal arts of language and mathematics, who convey skills
of how to bring things to scales, to become coding-literate; that is to say, how to mourn what is not there, by getting in tune and interiorizing the musicality
of the world. The Muses form and are being formed by a Catalog of Progymnasmata for Digital Canonics: dwelling in an elementary kind of forgetting – in what their mother is not – the Muses live a constellatory kind of genealogy: each of them is daughter, sister, also mother to the others – and muse to Orpheus, who is in search of how to keep his dead Love alive.
Horst Bredekamp’s theorem of “the image act” has brought attention to how vicarious orders of substitute relations endow images with activity whose experience is as technical as it is real, and whose theorisation involves theology as much as technology, metaphysics as much as logics/epistemology. By relating the image act to the still life, and by asking about the possibility of an aesthetics that pertains not to art and experience per se, but specifically to forgetting as an “image-act”, we want to explore the gesture of inversion, of turning inside-out or outside-in, and how it is facilitated by mathematical thinking. Could we perhaps speak of “metaphysical places”, as Michel Serres does with respect to Leibniz’s “system and its mathematical models”, as places both exterior and interior to how they are addressed? If we think of code and their substitution-plays as constitutive for such a notion of place, then metaphysical places suddenly abound – one
can hardly free oneself of them! One acts mathematically whether one is a mathematician or not, just like one speaks grammatically whether one is a grammarian or not.Hence the gesture of inversion involves a certain kind alienation.
Through the relation between mathematics and code in such an “vernacularized” scope, there comes also a novel interest in axiality and axiology: what would it mean in general to think in terms of inverting relations? Inverting relations involves paying attention to how the nothingness of an axial ‘origin’ informs the axiality that gives orientation – like a cipher informs the codes that articulate its place-holder relations.
What if with respect to such alienation we chose the optics of the Mechanic – mechané, in Greek, once meant resourcefulness, as an inverse to “erudite”? – rather than that of the Epistemologist/Moralist? Seeking to acknowledge a kind of transcendental realism of code, we would like to explore and study how the gesture of inversion can be cultivated – for example by multiplying and tempering the relation of interiority and exteriority: there is a laterality aspect that would accentuate inside/ outside relations with respect to thematic interests; or there is a co-habitation or con- spirational aspect that would accentuate, perhaps, a kind of dialogical “with”, as in relations of “out-with” and “with-in”; and and and. What would be further “still lifes” of forgetting as an image-act?
Research Areas:
Development and Advancement of the Architectural Arts: 100%