Mischek, F., & Musliu, N. (2023). Leveraging problem-independent hyper-heuristics for real-world test laboratory scheduling. In GECCO ’23: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (pp. 321–329). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). https://doi.org/10.1145/3583131.3590354
E192-02 - Forschungsbereich Databases and Artificial Intelligence
Published in:
GECCO '23: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
Date (published):
Event name:
GECCO 2023: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
Event date:
15-Jul-2023 - 19-Jul-2023
Event place:
Lisbon, Portugal
Number of Pages:
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York
Peer reviewed:
HyFlex; hyper-heuristics; test laboratory scheduling; EVALUATION; low-level heuristics; problem variations; high-quality solutions; Developing; general heuristic; real-world industrial test
The area of project scheduling problems has seen a tremendous amount of different problem variations. Traditionally, each problem variant requires custom solution approaches in order to produce high-quality solutions. Developing and tuning these methods is an expensive process that may have to be repeated as soon as the requirements or problem structures change. On the other hand, research into hyper-heuristics has produced general heuristic problem-solving techniques that were developed to achieve good results on multiple diverse problem domains. They work with a set of comparatively simple low-level heuristics and dynamically adapt themselves to each new problem variant. In this paper, we investigate hyper-heuristic approaches for a real-world industrial test laboratory scheduling problem and develop a new problem domain for the HyFlex hyper-heuristic framework. We propose a diverse portfolio of low-level heuristics that can be dynamically selected during the search process by hyper-heuristics to solve the problem. We evaluate and compare the performance of several problem-independent hyper-heuristics on this domain and show that they are able to match, and sometimes even exceed, the performance of state-of-The-Art solution techniques that were developed and tuned specifically for this problem.
Project title:
CD Labor für Künstliche Intelligenz und Optimierung in Planung und Scheduling: keine Angabe (Christian Doppler Forschungsgesells)