Filipov, V., Arleo, A., Landesberger, T. von, & Archambault, D. (2023, October 21). Back to the Graphs: A Collection of Datasets and Quality Criteria for Temporal Networks Layout and Visualization [Poster Presentation]. IEEE VIS 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
Graph Visualization; network visualization; Data Set; Visual Analytics; time-oriented data
Dynamic network visualization is a rapidly evolving field and computing a node-link layout for these graphs is one of the most studied problems in this discipline. Benchmark datasets and quality criteria are lacking in order to enable comparative evaluations of the layouts produced by different dynamic network visualization techniques. This paper proposes a collection of both discrete time and event-based dynamic quality criteria for evaluating dynamic graph layouts. Furthermore, we present and discuss datasets, generated from real data, which we include in a benchmark set for future researchers to use in their evaluations.
Project title:
ArtVis: Dynamische Netzwerk für die digitale Kunstgeschichte: P35767-N (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)
Research Areas:
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology: 100%