Nagaraju Myakala, S., Rabl, H., Schubert, J. S., Batool, S., Ayala, P., Apaydin, D. H., Cherevan, A., & Eder, D. (2024). MOCHAs: An emerging class of materials for photocatalytic H₂ production. Small, Article 2400348.
MOCHAs; MOCs; coordination polymers; silver; transition metal chalcogenides; water splitting
Production of green hydrogen (H₂) is a sustainable process able to address the current energy crisis without contributing to long-term greenhouse gas emissions. Many Ag-based catalysts have shown promise for light-driven H₂ generation, however, pure Ag—in its bulk or nanostructured forms—suffers from slow electron transfer kinetics and unfavorable Ag─H bond strength. It is demonstrated that the complexation of Ag with various chalcogenides can be used as a tool to optimize these parameters and reach improved photocatalytic performance. In this work, metal-organic-chalcogenolate assemblies (MOCHAs) are introduced as effective catalysts for light-driven hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and investigate their performance and structural stability by examining a series of AgXPh (X = S, Se, and Te) compounds. Two catalyst-support sensitization strategies are explored: by designing MOCHA/TiO₂ composites and by employing a common Ru-based photosensitizer. It is demonstrated that the heterogeneous approach yields stable HER performance but involves a catalyst transformation at the initial stage of the photocatalytic process. In contrast to this, the visible-light-driven MOCHA-dye dyad shows similar HER activity while also ensuring the structural integrity of the MOCHAs. The work shows the potential of MOCHAs in constructing photosystems for catalytic H₂ production and provides a direct comparison between known AgXPh compounds.
Research facilities:
Röntgenzentrum Universitäre Service-Einrichtung für Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
Project title:
Geträgerte Chalkogen-basierte Metallate für Fotokatalyse: P32801-N (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds) TUD-X: Anwendungen von 2D Materialien: DOC 142-N (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds) Cluster of Excellence "Materialien für Energieumwandlung und -speicherung (MECS)": COE 5 (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)
Research Areas:
Special and Engineering Materials: 25% Materials Characterization: 25% Surfaces and Interfaces: 50%