Taus, P., Prinz, A., Wanzenböck, H., Schuller, P., Tsenov, A., Schinnerl, M., Shawrav, M. M., Haslinger, M., & Muehlberger, M. (2021). Mastering of NIL Stamps with Undercut T-Shaped Features from Single Layer to Multilayer Stamps. Nanomaterials, 11(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11040956
Blu-Ray patterning; master; nanoimprint lithography (NIL); Reactive Ion Etching; undercut features
Biomimetic structures such as structural colors demand a fabrication technology of complex three-dimensional nanostructures on large areas. Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is capable of large area replication of three-dimensional structures, but the master stamp fabrication is often a bottleneck. We have demonstrated different approaches allowing for the generation of sophisticated undercut T-shaped masters for NIL replication. With a layer-stack of phase transition material (PTM) on poly-Si, we have demonstrated the successful fabrication of a single layer undercut T-shaped structure. With a multilayer-stack of silicon oxide on silicon, we have shown the successful fabrication of a multilayer undercut T-shaped structures. For patterning optical lithography, electron beam lithography and nanoimprint lithography have been compared and have yielded structures from 10 µm down to 300 nm. The multilayer undercut T-shaped structures closely resemble the geometry of the surface of a Morpho butterfly, and may be used in future to replicate structural colors on artificial surfaces.
Project title:
Großflächiges Rolle-basiertes Nanoimprinten für optische Anwendungen: 843639 (FFG - Österr. Forschungsförderungs- gesellschaft mbH)