Bernreiter, M., Lolic, A., Maly, J., & Woltran, S. (2024). Sequent Calculi for Choice Logics. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 68(2), Article 8.
Choice logics constitute a family of propositional logics and are used for the representation of preferences, with especially qualitative choice logic (QCL) being an established formalism with numerous applications in artificial intelligence. While computational properties and applications of choice logics have been studied in the literature, only few results are known about the proof-theoretic aspects of their use. We propose a sound and complete sequent calculus for preferred model entailment in QCL, where a formula F is entailed by a QCL-theory T if F is true in all preferred models of T. The calculus is based on labeled sequent and refutation calculi, and can be easily adapted for different purposes. For instance, using the calculus as a cornerstone, calculi for other choice logics such as conjunctive choice logic (CCL) and lexicographic choice logic (LCL) can be obtained in a straightforward way.
Project title:
Beweisanalyse und autom. Deduktion für rekursive Strukturen: I 5848-N (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)