Soteropoulos, A. (2022). Automatisierte Fahrzeuge: Effekte und Einsatz unter Berücksichtigung der Heterogenität von Straßenräumen [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
automated Driving; street spaces; compatibility; driveability
Eine Reduktion des Verkehrsaufwands zeigt sich allein bei der Annahme eines sehr hohen Anteils von Ride-Sharing und damit eines hohen Besetzungsgrades. Folglich sollte der Einsatz von automatisierten Fahrzeugen als RideSharing Service oder im Öffentlichen Verkehr angestrebt werden, wobei vor allem das Teilen von Fahrten forciert werden muss. Hierbei gilt es speziell die Ebene des Straßenraums zu berücksichtigen und unter Beachtung einer unterschiedlich technisch-infrastrukturellen Eignung von Straßenräumen sowie dem Umstand, dass sich die Verträglichkeit von automatisierten Fahrzeugen in verschiedenen Straßenräumen unterscheiden wird, räumlich differenzierte Strategien für den Einsatz automatisierter Fahrzeuge zu entwickeln. Ausgehend von den Analysen zur technischinfrastrukturellen Eignung von Straßenräumen sowie zur Verträglichkeit von automatisierten Fahrzeugen in Straßenräumen zeigt sich, dass beispielsweise innerstädtische Bereiche aus technisch-infrastruktureller Sicht schlechter für automatisierte Fahrzeuge geeignet sind. Gleichfalls würden dort für den Einsatz automatisierter Fahrzeuge auch aus Sicht der Verträglichkeit mehr zusätzliche, begleitende Maßnahmen benötigt werden als in Stadtrandbereichen, da innerstädtische Straßen grundsätzlich gegenüber einer weiteren Verkehrszunahme durch automatisierte Fahrzeuge sensibler sind als Stadträume am Stadtrand. Letztlich sollte nicht vergessen werden, dass Straßen neben dem Verkehr auch die Bewohnbarkeit und die Funktionsfähigkeit von Städten sicherstellen müssen und auch im Fall des automatisierten Verkehrs die Optimierung der Straßen für Transportzwecke mit deren Nutzung als Lebens- und Aufenthaltsraum im Widerspruch stehen wird.
Automated vehicles could fundamentally change current mobility in the coming years and decades. However, while the discourse on automated driving was characterized by predominant euphoria until a few years ago, recently the topic has been assessed more pessimistically – particularly since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is becoming increasingly clear that the development of the technology and its ubiquitous use will still take time and that in the near future automated vehicles can only be used in technologically suitable parts of the street network or in parts that have been gradually released. The specific operatingconditions – and this also includes the characteristics of the street space – play an important role for the use of automated vehicles. However, it is undisputed that automated vehicles can be expected to have extensive impacts on mobility and settlement development, but, these too must be considered against the background of very different street spaces.The cumulative dissertation project deals with the impacts of automated vehicles and their use from the perspective of urban and transport planning. However, considering the use of automated vehicles in the near future, it focuses on the level of the street space, especially its heterogeneity or diversity, which can be found in many cities. The dissertation understands itself as an important basis and developer of evaluation methods and foundations in terms of how the impacts of automated vehicles can be better understood and how automated vehicles can be used in the best possible way and to exploit their opportunities with regard to existing strategies in urban and transport planning.For this purpose, different methods are used within the dissertation. In order to investigate, demonstrate and better understand the principal transport and spatial effects of automated vehicles, a comprehensive systematic literature review is conducted. Based on this and usingthe example of the city of Vienna, GIS-based analyses and assessments are then carried out regarding the technical-infrastructural suitability of street spaces for automated vehicles as well as regarding the compatibility of automated vehicles in street spaces – and thus specifically more spatially differentiated analyses.Overall, the results show that the effects of automated vehicles depend on various influencing variables, but that unfavorable transport and spatial effects are likely without accompanying measures: Automated vehicles (private or with sharing) are predominantly associated with an increase in vehicle kilometers travelled and in particular private automated vehicles are also leading to a more dispersed urban growth pattern. A reduction in vehicle kilometers travelled is evident only when assuming a very high share of ride-sharing and thus a high occupancy rate. Consequently, the use of automated vehicles as a ride-sharing service or in publictransport should be aimed at, whereby the sharing of rides should be increased in particular. In this context, it is especially important to consider the level of the street space and to develop spatially differentiated strategies for the deployment of automated vehicles, taking into account the different technical-infrastructural suitability of street spaces as well as the fact that the compatibility of automated vehicles will differ in various street spaces. Based on the analyses of the technical-infrastructural suitability of street spaces as well as the compatibility of automated vehicles in street spaces, it can be seen that inner-city areas for example are less suitable for automated vehicles from a technical-infrastructural point of view and that, likewise from a compatibility point of view, more additional accompanying measures are needed for the deployment of automated vehicles there compared to areas in the outskirts, since streets in inner-city areas are generally more sensitive to a further increase in traffic volume due to automated vehicles than areas in the outskirts. Ultimately, it should not be forgotten that, in addition to transport, streets must also ensure the habitability and functionality of cities and that, even in the case of automated transport, the optimization of streets for transport purposes will conflict with their use as living and recreational spaces.
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