In the year of Hip-Hop’s 50th anniversary and the 40th birthday of Wild Style, goINDIGO 2023 managed to bring various disciplines together to discuss the various ways of dissipating and understanding bits of graffiti bytes. The proceedings of this symposium pick up and reiterate where the previous proceedings left off: with the contemporary ways of disseminating old or new graffiti. Afterwards, several papers discuss practical and theoretical ways to unravel graffiti-scapes and develop new insights. In summation, tackling graffiti as sociocultural artefacts demands multidisciplinary frameworks. The editors hope the interconnected graffiti themes covered here and in the goINDIGO 2022 proceedings provide inspiration and an up-to-date overview of various framework components to deal with ancient and contemporary graffiti-scapes.
Project title:
INventory and DIsseminate Graffiti along the DOnaukanal: Heritage_2020-014_INDIGO (Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften)