Paskaleva, G., Bednar, T., & Huemer, C. (2024). Metamodels: Built-In BIM Compliance Checking. In T. Bednar & S. Sint (Eds.), BauSIM 2024 Companion Proceedings : 10te Konferenz von IBPSA-DACH, TU Wien, Österreich (pp. 13–14).
BIM; simulation; data model; metamodel; compliance checking
Making sure that Building Information Modelling (BIM) models comply with building codes and contractual requirements is typically a time-consuming and overhead-heavy task. For this reason, there is a push for its automation. However, there are significant challenges to overcome. For example, most technical guidelines and contractual requirements are formulated in a natural language and would need to be translated into a formal representation for digital processing. Furthermore, there is no formal mechanism that enables the declaration, enforcement, and verification of compliance to those in a BIM model. In this work, we present a fundamental approach that makes the last three possible at any level of granularity, i.e., throughout the building’s entire life cycle.