Melenk, J. M., & Sauter, S. A. (2024). Wavenumber-Explicit hp-FEM Analysis for Maxwell’s Equations with Impedance Boundary Conditions. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 24(6), 1871–1939.
The time-harmonic Maxwell equations at high wavenumber k in domains with an analytic boundary and impedance boundary conditions are considered. A wavenumber-explicit stability and regularity theory is developed that decomposes the solution into a part with finite Sobolev regularity that is controlled uniformly in k and an analytic part. Using this regularity, quasi-optimality of the Galerkin discretization based on Nédélec elements of order p on a mesh with mesh size h is shown under the k-explicit scale resolution condition that (a) kh/p is sufficient small and (b) p/lnk is bounded from below.
Analysis der H-Matrix-Inversion: P 28367-N35 (FWF - Österr. Wissenschaftsfonds)
Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations: 80% Modeling and Simulation: 20%