Vörös, F., Gartner, G., Peterson, M. P., & Kovács, B. (2024). Do Social Aspects Affect Built-in Car Navigation Habits? A Stereotype Study. Sustainability, 260–282.
navigation habits; car navigation; built-in GPS; stereotypes; statistical test
We encounter prejudices and stereotypes in all areas of life, including human navigation. This study seeks to answer whether there is a basis for navigation stereotypes such as: does our age, gender, place of residence or country affect our car navigation habits? An online questionnaire was distributed in three Central European countries (Hungary, Romania and Austria) and 1556 respondents were reached. In addition to habitancy (settlement type), it was noted that half of the examined concerns are influenced by stereotypes. A significant difference can be shown in questions that are directly or indirectly related to the financial situation of the driver (e.g., the existence and quality of the built-in GPS depends on whether someone has enough money to buy it). However, it seems that other stereotypes we have about driving and navigation are mostly false. The results suggest that it may be possible to personalize built-in navigation systems. By incorporating various “extra” services (e.g., personalized interface, placement), driving and navigation can be made safer and more comfortable for particular segments of society—the driver does not need to use other devices.
Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology: 100%