Lifted inference; Enumerative combinatorics; Weighted model counting; First order logic; Counting quantfiers; Statistical relational learning; Directed acyclic graphs; Connected graphs
Weighted First Order Model Counting (WFOMC) is fundamental to probabilistic inference in statistical relational learning models. As WFOMC is known to be intractable in general (#P-complete), logical fragments that admit polynomial time WFOMC are of significant interest. Such fragments are called domain liftable. Recent works have shown that the two-variable fragment of first order logic extended with counting quantifiers (C²) is domain-liftable. However, many properties of real-world data, like acyclicity in citation networks and connectivity in social networks, cannot be modeled in C², or first order logic in general. In this work, we expand the domain liftability of C² with multiple such properties. We show that any C² sentence remains domain liftable when one of its relations is restricted to represent a directed acyclic graph, a connected graph, a tree (resp. a directed tree) or a forest (resp. a directed forest). All our results rely on a novel and general methodology of counting by splitting. Besides their application to probabilistic inference, our results provide a general framework for counting combinatorial structures. We expand a vast array of previous results in discrete mathematics literature on directed acyclic graphs, phylogenetic networks, etc.