Dukkon, Á. (2019). CPS/IoT Ecosystem : exploring operational scopes for industrial internet-of-things and an analysis of quality-of-service properties [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2019.59481
This thesis addresses the problem of monitoring the Quality of Service in CPS/IoT systems. In such heterogeneous systems, where each component is from different vendors and use diverse programming languages, the configuration, deployment, and maintenance is challenging. In order to overcome this problem, performed a QoS analysis with the result of a quality model. This quality model is used to compare different IoT use-cases based on their QoS requirements. As an IoT architecture, we suggest a scalable, fault-tolerant solution, based on Arrowhead and Docker swarm, with a deployment workflow and monitoring system. To ensure a certain QoS level within the system, we implemented a QoS monitoring and reconfiguration service. This service ensures that the system works optimal, it detects and reacts to the possible QoS violations. As an evaluation, we provide a series of experiments, and an industrial use-case, which validates our solution in a real-world scenario.