Hoorne, J. W. van. (2015). Study and development of a novel silicon pixel detector for the upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2015.29852
The upgrade of the Inner Tracking System (ITS) of the ALICE experiment aims to improve the standalone tracking efficiency, momentum and impact parameter resolution of the ITS. Two different upgrade layouts are under investigation, a seven-layer tracker based on monolithic pixel detectors and a combination of three layers of hybrid pixel detectors and four layers of double sided silicon strip detectors. In the framework of the studies for the ALICE Inner Tracker upgrade the performance of monolithic pixel detectors will be studied in detail with respect to the operating conditions foreseen in ALICE. Especial emphasis is laid here on the evaluation of the performance after irradiation tests. In parallel work is continued on the study of building ultra-thin hybrid silicon pixel detectors.