Reich, C., & Häusler, R. (2019). Konzept zur Erstellung von Lehr und Lernumgebungen für die IT bezogene Hochschullehre. In Proceedings SAP Academic User Group Meeting 2019. Wien.
Teaching and Learning Universe; Teaching and Learning Environment; Curriculum Design; Education Service Provider
The growing demand for teaching and learning environments (TLEs) entails increasing challenges for curriculum designers. The combination of learning content, didactic requirements and practical examples creates a highly complex construct of interdependencies, which needs to be taken into account when creating a TLE. This paper presents the meta-concept "Teaching and Learning Universe" (TLU) as a proposed solution. It is derived from already identified concepts and integrates previously isolated approaches, such as the IEEE standard for Learning Object Metadata (LOM). TLUs use metadata to classify and search as well as relate and maintain all learning elements within a given context. In return, this concept reduces redundancies when constructing TLEs with similar sets of TLU components.