Adami, C. (2020). Mechanical and suface analytical studies of material properties of more efficient, bio-based and recyclable stretch foil [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
The aim of the three-year project EFFIE - More Efficient, Bio-based and Recyclable Stretch Foil (2019-2022, EUR 764,000.00) of the FFG is to replace a wrapping foil based on fossil raw materials in pallet packaging with a wrapping foil made of bio-based and recyclable plastic. The newly developed foil is to become a biomimetic functionally structured wrapping sequence. The shapes and samples will be inspired by nature. The structure shall yield in a 30 % material saving compared to conventional foils. This master thesis deals with the initial work of this project. Completely new and innovative methods were developed for this purpose. The bio-based plastic samples are provided with perforations. The ideas of the perforation samples found the inspiration in nature, e.g., the transformation of the honeycomb sample. Perforated and unperforated plastic samples are subjected to tensile tests. Furthermore, the surfaces of the samples are analysed with a scanning electron microscope. The obtained sample show different textures and compositions. Some of the samples show grains of zinc, magnesium or silicon according to material analysis with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. Tensile tests reveal that each sample tears differently. Some samples develop holes at the edges or in the middle of the sample during the tensile test. Other samples tear at the edges. Since these are pilot studies, all results are available for the first time.
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