32. Workshop Novel Materials and Superconductivity

Event name
32. Workshop Novel Materials and Superconductivity
Event type
Event for scientific audience
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PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Ehsan, Sohaib ; Tröster, Andreas ; Blaha, Peter Calculation of cubic and tetragonal phases of RbCaF₃: A DFT study.Präsentation Presentation2017
2Belbase, Kamal Calculation of the stress tensor within the ab-initio full potential linenarized augmented plane wave methodPräsentation Presentation2017
3Rameshan, Christoph ; Anic, Kresimir ; Rupprechter, Günther Cobalt Oxide Model Catalysts - Surface Reactivity towards CO and H2OKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
4Wang, Jia ; Cherevan, Alexey ; Deilmann, Leonie ; Haselmann, Greta Marie ; Eder, Dominik Crystal-growh engineering of perovskite film via solvent tuningPräsentation Presentation2017
5Bichler, Magdalena ; Kraushofer, Florian ; Jakub, Zdenek ; Parkinson, Gareth S. ; Blaha, Peter DFT study of the (012) surface of hematitePräsentation Presentation2017
6Ruh, Thomas ; Knoll, Christian ; Müller, Danny ; Weinberger, Peter ; Blaha, Peter DFT study of water adsorption on alkaline-earth-oxide surfacesPräsentation Presentation2017
7Bagheri, Mahdiyar ; Blaha, Peter Energy dependence of XPS Valence band spectoscpopy: DFT calculations in comparisson with hard X-ray photo emission experimentsPräsentation Presentation2017
8Deilmann, Leonie ; Cherevan, Alexey ; Eder, Dominik Highly ordered mesoporous niobium oxides and nitridesPräsentation Presentation2017
9Eder, Dominik Hybridisation and Mesostructuring as Tool Toward new Functional MaterialsPräsentation Presentation2017
10Dobrezberger, Klaus ; Föttinger, Karin ; Rupprechter, Günther Kinetic, microscopic and spectroscopic studies of carbon supported palladium and platinum catalystsPräsentation Presentation2017
11Tröster, Andreas Landau theory meets DFTPräsentation Presentation2017
12Gravogl, Georg ; Müller, Danny ; Knoll, Christian ; Weinberger, Peter ; Miletich, Ronald ; Werner, Andreas Pressure Dependence of Thermochemical Energy Storage MaterialsPräsentation Presentation2017
13Kalantari, Leila ; Blaha, Peter Study of Y NMR shielding in intermetallic Yttrium compoundsPräsentation Presentation2017
14Gollowitzer, Martin ; Müller, Danny ; Weinberger, Peter Synthetic Approaches to Novel Crystalline SpongesPräsentation Presentation2017
15Müller, Danny ; Knoll, Christian ; Seifried, Marco ; Reissner, Michael ; Giester, Gerald ; Weinberger, Peter The Spin Crossover Phenomenon and its Possible Application - Challenges and ChancesPräsentation Presentation2017
16Knoll, Christian ; Müller, Danny ; Harasek, Michael ; Weinberger, Peter Transition Metal Oxide Redox Couples for High Temperature Thermochemical Energy StoragePräsentation Presentation2017