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E130 - Fakultät für Physik
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E130 - Faculty of Physics
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Active Aktiv

Results 1-20 of 25 (Search time: 0.018 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Schumer Alexander - 2023 - Exceptional physics near non-Hermitian degeneracies.pdf.jpgSchumer, Alexander Exceptional physics near non-Hermitian degeneraciesThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Fossati Stefan - 2023 - Nanophotonic materials for biomedical sensing.pdf.jpgFossati, Stefan Nanophotonic materials for biomedical sensingThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Worm Paul - 2023 - Numerical analysis of many-body effects in cuprate and...pdf.jpgWorm, Paul Numerical analysis of many-body effects in cuprate and nickelate superconductorsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
4Bialo Izabela - 2023 - Role of the charge correlations in the mechanism of high...pdf.jpgBialo, Izabela Role of the charge correlations in the mechanism of high temperature superconductivityThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
5Pichler Kevin Andreas - 2023 - Generalized application and time-reversal of the...pdf.jpgPichler, Kevin Andreas Generalized application and time-reversal of the lasing principleThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
6Zarucki Mateusz - 2023 - Data-driven background modelling and trigger algorithms...pdf.jpgZarucki, Mateusz Data‐driven background modelling and trigger algorithms for compressed supersymmetry searches with the CMS experiment at the LHCThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
7Bosina, Joachim ; Abele, Hartmut ; Micko, Jakob ; Filter, Hanno Marius ; Jenke, Tobias ; Pitschmann, Mario ; Cronenberg, Gunther ; Durstberger-Rennhofer, Katharina ; Gassner, Anika ; Geltenbort, Peter ; Honz, Florian ; Klieber, Paul ; Juroszek, Jasmin ; Kreuzgruber, Elisabeth Sophie ; Lachaume, Florian ; Neubacher, Luca ; Piso, Julius ; Pruggmayer, Nicole ; Rechberger, Tobias ; Sedmik, Rene ; Thalhammer, Martin qBOUNCE: Ramsey spectroscopy tests neutron's electric chargePresentation Vortrag24-Nov-2022
8Bosina, Joachim ; Filter, Hanno Marius ; Micko, Jakob ; Jenke, Tobias ; Pitschmann, Mario ; Roccia, Stephanie ; Sedmik, Rene ; Abele, Hartmut ; Augé, Etienne ; Dumarchez, Jacques ; Jean Trân Thanh Vân QBOUNCE: first measurement of the neutron electric charge with a Ramsey-type GRS experimentInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag28-Oct-2022
9Kanitschar, Florian ; Pacher, Christoph Optimizing Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution with Phase-Shift Keying Modulation and PostselectionArticle Artikel 27-Sep-2022
10Niyazi Abuduaini - 2022 - Collective Modes in Ordered Phases of Multi-orbital...pdf.jpgNiyazi, Abuduaini Collective modes in ordered phases of multi-orbital hubbard modelThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
11Singewald Tanja Denise - 2023 - Interfacial processes in adhesively bonded...pdf.jpgSingewald, Tanja Denise Interfacial processes in adhesively bonded joints under corrosive loadThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
12Wagner Susanne - 2022 - Self assembly of shape- and interaction anisotropic...pdf.jpgWagner, Susanne Self assembly of shape- and interaction anisotropic particles on a surfaceThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
13Linhart Lukas - 2020 - On emergent mesoscopic effects in 2D materials.pdf.jpgLinhart, Lukas On emergent mesoscopic effects in 2D materialsThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
14Lechner2019_Article_FluorescenceDetectionAsANewDia.pdf.jpgLechner, Simon ; Fischer, Paul ; Heylen, Hanne ; Lagaki, Varvara ; Maier, Franziska ; Plattner, Peter ; Rosenbusch, Marco ; Sels, Simon ; Wienholtz, Frank ; Wolf, Robert N. ; Nörtershäuser, Wilfried ; Schweikhard, Lutz ; Malbrunot-Ettenauer, Stephan Fluorescence Detection as a new Diagnostics Tool for Electrostatic Ion Beam TrapsArticle Artikel 2019
15Templ Sebastian - 2018 - A multivariate approach to dilepton analyses in the...pdf.jpgTempl, Sebastian A multivariate approach to dilepton analyses in the upgraded ALICE detector at CERN−LHCThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
16Fleck Markus - 2018 - The development and implementation of a fibre detector and...pdf.jpgFleck, Markus The development and implementation of a fibre detector and advanced data acquisition for the ASACUSA antihydrogen detectorThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
17Haider David Manuel - 2017 - Characterization of the AEgIS scintillating fiber...pdf.jpgHaider, David Manuel Characterization of the AEgIS scintillating fiber detector FACT for antihydrogen detectionThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
18Kalista Sebastian - 2017 - Development of a cryogenic caesium iodide detector...pdf.jpgKalista, Sebastian Development of a cryogenic caesium iodide detector for gravitational measurements on antihydrogenThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
19Heshmatpour, Constantin 3rd and 5th order ultrafast spectroscopy of molecular excitons and their annihilation dynamicsThesis Hochschulschrift2017
20Bloech Dominic - 2017 - Influence of ion sputtering on iron-Tungsten alloy...pdf.jpgBlöch, Dominic Influence of ion sputtering on iron-Tungsten alloy surfaces and iron surfacesThesis Hochschulschrift 2017