| | Preview | Authors / Editors | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Giparakis, Miriam ; Kainz, Martin Alexander ; Ertl, Marie Christine ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Jaidl, Michael ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Isceri, Stefania ; Detz, Hermann ; Schrenk, Werner ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Bastard, Gerald ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell | Anomalous temperature dependency of current-voltage curves in low-doped weakly-coupled superlattices | Presentation Vortrag | 29-Jun-2023 |
| 2 |  | Theiner, Dominik ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Jaidl, Michael ; Ertl, Marie ; Hlavatsch, Michael ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Mizaikoff, Boris ; Darmo, Juraj | Flexible terahertz gas sensing platform based on substrate-integrated hollow waveguides and an opto-electronic light source | Article Artikel  | 8-May-2023 |
| 3 |  | Kassem, Omar ; Pimpolari, Lorenzo ; Dun, Chaochao ; Polyushkin, Dmitry ; Zarattini, Marco ; Dimaggio, Elisabetta ; Chen, Liming ; Basso, Giovanni ; Parenti, Federico ; Urban, Jeffrey J ; Müller, Thomas ; Fiori, Gianluca ; Casiraghi, Cinzia | Water-based 2-dimensional anatase TiO2 inks for printed diodes and transistors | Article Artikel  | 28-Mar-2023 |
| 4 | | Nguyen, Viet Hung ; Tai, Le Xuan The ; Longobucco, Mattia ; Buczyński, Ryszard ; Bugár, Ignac ; Astrauskas, Ignas ; Pugžlys, Audrius ; Baltuška, Andrius ; Malomed, Boris ; Trippenbach, Marek | Self-trapping and switching of solitonic pulses in mismatched dual-core highly nonlinear fibers | Article Artikel  | Feb-2023 |
| 5 | | Giparakis, Miriam ; Ertl, Marie Christine ; Kainz, Martin Alexander ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Isceri, Stefania ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Schrenk, Werner ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Bastard, Gerald ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell | Anomalous temperature effect in low doped GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices | Presentation Vortrag | Feb-2023 |
| 6 | | Müller, Thomas | L4G SEMINAR: AI-driven optical sensing | Presentation Vortrag | 23-Jan-2023 |
| 7 |  | Dorner-Kirchner, Martin ; Shumakova, Valentina ; Coccia, Giulio ; Kaksis, Edgar ; Schmidt, Bruno E. ; Pervak, Vladimir ; Pugzlys, Audrius ; Baltuška, Andrius ; Kitzler-Zeiler, Markus ; Carpeggiani, Paolo Antonio | HHG at the Carbon K-Edge Directly Driven by SRS Red-Shifted Pulses from an Ytterbium Amplifier | Article Artikel  | 18-Jan-2023 |
| 8 |  | Jaidl, Michael ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Giparakis, Miriam ; Kainz, Martin Alexander ; Theiner, Dominik ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Ertl, Marie Christine ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Darmo, Juraj ; Unterrainer, Karl | Ultrabroadband Heterogeneous THz Quantum Cascade Laser | Article Artikel  | 18-Jan-2023 |
| 9 |  | Symonowicz, Joanna Karolina ; Polyushkin, Dmitry ; Müller, Thomas ; Martino, Giuliana Di | Fully Optical in Operando Investigation of Ambient Condition Electrical Switching in MoS₂ Nanodevices | Article Artikel  | 2023 |
| 10 | | Theiner, Dominik ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Jaidl, Michael ; Ertl, Marie Christine ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Darmo, Juraj | Tailored Terahertz Frequency Combs for Molecular Sensing | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | 2023 |
| 11 | | Jaidl, Michael ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Giparakis, Miriam ; Kainz, Martin Alexander ; Theiner, Dominik ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Ertl, Marie Christine ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Darmo, Juraj ; Unterrainer, Karl | Ultra-Broadband Heterogeneous Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | 2023 |
| 12 |  | Hanus, Vaclav ; Kangaparambil, Sarayoo ; Richter, Martin ; Haßfurth, Lukas ; Dorner-Kirchner, Martin ; Paulus, Gerhard G. ; Xie, Xinhua ; Baltuška, Andrius ; Gräfe, Stefanie ; Zeiler, Markus | Carrier envelope phase sensitivity of photoelectron circular dichroism | Article Artikel  | 2023 |
| 13 | | Jaidl, Michael ; Opacak, Nikola ; Kainz, Martin ; Ertl, Marie ; Theiner, Dominik ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Giparakis, Miriam ; Andrews, M. A. ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Schwarz, Benedikt ; Darmo, Juraj ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Belyanin, Alexey ; Smowton, Peter M. | Terahertz quantum cascade ring lasers: comb operation and integration on Si-substrates | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | 2023 |
| 14 | | Ertl, Marie Christine ; Jaidl, Michael ; Limbacher, Benedikt ; Theiner, Dominik ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Giparakis, Miriam ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Strasser, Gottfried ; Darmo, Juraj ; Unterrainer, Karl | Episide-down bonded terahertz quantum cascade wire laser | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | 2023 |
| 15 |  | Hu, Hongtao ; Hung, Yi ; Larimian, Seyedreza ; Erattupuzha Joseph, Sonia Mary ; Baltuška, Andrius ; Zeiler, Markus ; Xie, Xinhua | Laser-induced valence electron excitation in acetylene | Article Artikel  | 14-Dec-2022 |
| 16 | | Patel, A. ; Gollner, Claudia ; Jutas, Rokas ; Shumakova, Valentina ; Shneider, Mikhail N ; Pugzlys, Audrius ; Baltuska, Andrius ; Shashurin, Alexey | Ionization rate and plasma dynamics at 3.9 micron femtosecond photoionization of air | Article Artikel  | 23-Nov-2022 |
| 17 |  | Treiber, Leonhard ; Kanya, Reika ; Kitzler-Zeiler, Markus ; Koch, Markus | Dynamics of Above-Threshold Ionization and Laser-Assisted Electron Scattering inside Helium Nanodroplets | Article Artikel  | 17-Nov-2022 |
| 18 |  | Wiesner Maciej ; Roberts, Richard ; Ge, Ruijing ; Mennel, Lukas ; Müller, Thomas ; Lin, Jung-Fu ; Akinwande, Deji ; Jenczyk, Jacek | Signatures of bright-to-dark exciton conversion in corrugated MoS2 monolayers | Article Artikel  | 30-Oct-2022 |
| 19 |  | Popmintchev, Dimitar ; Wang, Siyang ; Zhang, Xiaoshi ; Stoev, Ventzislav ; Popmintchev, Tenio | Analytical Lah-Laguerre optical formalism for perturbative chromatic dispersion | Article Artikel  | 20-Oct-2022 |
| 20 |  | Mennel, Lukas ; Molina Mendoza, Aday Jose ; Paur, Matthias ; Polyushkin, Dmitry ; Kwak, Dohyun ; Giparakis, Miriam ; Beiser, Maximilian ; Andrews, Aaron Maxwell ; Müller, Thomas | A photosensor employing data-driven binning for ultrafast image recognition | Article Artikel  | 24-Aug-2022 |