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Grothe, Hinrich

Results 1-20 of 557 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Werkovits, Stefan ; Primerano, Kristina ; Bacher, Markus ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Rosenau, Thomas ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Grothe, Hinrich Elucidation of the Chemical Processes in Polymer-modified BitumenPresentation Vortrag13-Dec-2023
2Hanlon, Regina ; Jimenez-Sanchez, Celia ; Benson, James ; Aho, Ken ; Morris, Cindy ; Seifried, Teresa M. ; Baloh, Philipp ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Schmale, David Diversity and ice nucleation activity of Pseudomonas syringae in drone-based water samples from eight lakes in AustriaArticle Artikel 28-Nov-2023
3Hofbauer, Cornelia ; Serna Loaiza, Sebastian ; Zelaya Lainez, Luis Haroldo ; Scolari, Luisa ; Zikeli, Florian Michael ; Füssl, Josef ; Lukacevic, Markus ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Fiskari, Juha ; Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael Influence of the lignin content as a natural adhesive in biocomposites using holocellulose and Asplund fibers from spruce woodPresentation Vortrag25-Sep-2023
4Zelaya Lainez, Luis Haroldo ; Schwaighofer, Michael ; Königsberger, Markus ; Lukacevic, Markus ; Lahayne, Olaf ; Harter, Thomas ; Serna Loaiza, Sebastian ; Hofbauer, Cornelia ; Zikeli, Florian Michael ; Harasek, Michael ; Friedl, Anton ; Scolari, Luisa ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Füssl, Josef Characterization of mechanical properties of five hot-pressed lignins extracted from different feedstocks by load-controlled nanoindentationPresentation VortragSep-2023
5Grothe, Hinrich Biological Macromolecules causing Heterogeneous Ice NucleationPresentation Vortrag17-Jul-2023
6Serna Loaiza, Sebastian ; Hofbauer, Cornelia ; Zelaya Lainez, Luis Haroldo ; Scolari, Luisa ; Zikeli, Florian Michael ; Harter, Thomas ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Füssl, Josef ; Friedl, Anton ; Lukacevic, Markus ; Harasek, Michael Lignin-Bonded Composites from Sawmill ByproductsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag6-Jul-2023
7Werkovits, Stefan ; Bacher, Markus ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Theiner, Johannes ; Rosenau, Thomas ; Hofko, Berhard ; Grothe, Hinrich The impact of field ageing on molecular structure and chemistry of bitumenArticle Artikel 1-Jul-2023
8Grothe, Hinrich ; Bocaniciu, Camil-Gratian ; Gratzl, Jürgen Gerhard ; Koyun, Ayse Nur Classification of carbonaceous aerosol particles originating from asphalt pavementInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJul-2023
9Grothe, Hinrich ; Gratzl, Jürgen Gerhard Biological aerosol particles in the Finnish Sub-ArcticInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJul-2023
10Grothe, Hinrich ; Reyzek, Florian ; Bieber, Paul ; Seifried, Teresa Biological macro-molecules causing heterogeneous ice nucleationInproceedings KonferenzbeitragJul-2023
11Primerano, Kristina ; Werkovits, Stefan ; Schönauer, Paul ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Hofko, Bernhard Chemical and mechanical analysis of field and laboratory aged bitumenPresentation Vortrag12-Jun-2023
12Hofer, Kristina ; Werkovits, Stefan ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Hofko, Bernhard Bitumenalterung auf der Spur - Was Sie schon immer über die "Viennese Binder Aging"-Methode wissen wollte, aber bisher nicht zu fragen wagten.Special Contribution SpezialbeitragMay-2023
13Reyzek, Florian ; Seifried, Teresa ; Bieber, Paul ; Grothe, Hinrich Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) as sources of biological ice-nucleating macromolecules (INMs)Presentation Vortrag26-Apr-2023
14Gruber-2023-Cold Regions Science and Technology-vor.pdf.jpgGruber, Michael R. ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Hoffmann, Markus ; Stinglmayr, David ; Seifried, Teresa ; Grothe, Hinrich Deicing performance of common deicing agents for winter maintenance with and without corrosion-inhibiting substancesArticle Artikel Apr-2023
15Werkovits, Stefan ; Hofer, Kristina ; Schöberl, Tobias Raphael ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Grothe, Hinrich How infrared and fluorescence spectroscopy can shed new light on the characterization of bitumen and its ageing processesArticle Artikel 29-Mar-2023
16Stolzenburg, Dominik Marco ; Kangasluoma, Juha ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Kulmala, Markku Incomplete mass closure in atmospheric organic nanoparticle growthPresentation Vortrag28-Mar-2023
17Hofer, Kristina ; Werkovits, Stefan ; Schönauer, Paul ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Hofko, Bernhard Chemical and mechanical analysis of field and laboratory aged bitumenArticle Artikel 24-Feb-2023
18Seifried, Teresa ; Reyzek, Florian ; Bieber, Paul ; Grothe, Hinrich Scots Pines (Pinus sylvestris) as Sources of Biological Ice-Nucleating Macromolecules (INMs)Article Artikel 28-Jan-2023
19Hofbauer-2023-Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery-vor.pdf.jpgHofbauer, Cornelia ; Serna-Loaiza, Sebastian ; Irmgard Windisch ; Scolari, Luisa ; Koyun, Ayse Nur ; Zelaya-Lainez, Luis ; Füssl, Josef ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Hirn, Ulrich ; Friedl, Anton ; Harasek, Michael Comparison of coupled chemical pretreatment and mechanical refining of spruce sawdust: fiber network properties and initial production of lignin-bonded biocompositesArticle Artikel 21-Jan-2023
20Gruber-2023-Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology-vor.pdf.jpgGruber, Michael R. ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Hoffmann, Markus ; Stinglmayr, David ; Grothe, Hinrich Analysis of metal corrosion methods and identification of cost-efficient and low corrosion deicing agentsArticle Artikel 2023

Results 1-20 of 25 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Reyzek Florian - 2023 - Purification and characterization of ice nuclei from...pdf.jpgReyzek, Florian Purification and characterization of ice nuclei from birch pollenThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Stinglmayr David - 2022 - Investigation of melting rate and corrosion behaviour...pdf.jpgStinglmayr, David Investigation of melting rate and corrosion behaviour of de-icing agents for winter serviceThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
3Bieber Paul - 2021 - Drone-based investigations on emissions of biogenic...pdf.jpgBieber, Paul Drone-based investigations on emissions of biogenic aerosols relevant for heterogeneous ice nucleationThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
4Seifried Teresa - 2021 - Silver birches Betula pendula and Scots pines Pinus...pdf.jpgSeifried, Teresa Silver birches (Betula pendula) and Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) as emission sources of ice-nucleating particlesThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
5Koyun, Ayse Nur Novel approaches in vibrational spectroscopy and microscopic techniques for bitumen surface structures at the micro- and nanoscaleThesis Hochschulschrift2020
6Mirwald, Johannes Realistic ageing simulation and chemo-mechanical assessment of bituminous materialsThesis Hochschulschrift2020
7Werkovits Stefan - 2020 - Advanced characterization of bitumen using...pdf.jpgWerkovits, Stefan Advanced characterization of bitumen using chromatography and FTIR spectroscopyThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
8Koyun, Ayse Nur ; Grothe, Hinrich Bitumen Ageing And Its Effect On The Surface MicrostructuresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
9Felgitsch Laura - 2019 - Ice nucleation activity of boreal plants with focus on...pdf.jpgFelgitsch, Laura Ice nucleation activity of boreal plants with focus on birch treesThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
10Weiss, Fabian Environmental sustainability of innovative road building materialsThesis Hochschulschrift2018
11Fiala Bianca - 2018 - Comparison of ice nucleating particles from fruit juices...pdf.jpgFiala, Bianca Comparison of ice nucleating particles from fruit juices and their propertiesThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
12Koyun, Ayse Nur Imaging and spectrocopic analysis of bitumen with atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopyThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
13Haeusler Thomas - 2018 - The ice nucleation activity of carbonaceous particles.pdf.jpgHäusler, Thomas The ice nucleation activity of carbonaceous particlesThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
14Seifried Teresa - 2017 - Analytical characterization of macromolecular ice...pdf.jpgSeifried, Teresa Analytical characterization of macromolecular ice nuclei from birch pollen grainsThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
15Grossegger Daniel - 2015 - Investigation of aged non-aged bitumen and their...pdf.jpgGroßegger, Daniel Investigation of aged, non-aged bitumen and their bitumen fractionsThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
16Bichler Magdalena - 2015 - Investigations on biological ice nucleation...pdf.jpgBichler, Magdalena Investigations on biological ice nucleation concerning plant materials and structural polysaccharidesThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
17Handle, Florian Abbildung und Analyse der Bitumen Mikrostruktur : Beschreibung des Alterungsverhaltens auf Basis mikrostruktureller InformationThesis Hochschulschrift2014
18Weiss Fabian - 2014 - Metastabile Phasen in Eiswolken.pdf.jpgWeiss, Fabian Metastabile Phasen in EiswolkenThesis Hochschulschrift 2014
19Neudl, Susanna Maria Einfluss und Verhalten des Surfactant der Alveole auf die Grenzflächenspannung und Materialeigenschaften des Lungengewebes unter Spontanatmung sowie unter künstlicher BeatmungThesis Hochschulschrift2013
20Zolles Tobias - 2013 - Heterogeneous ice nucleation on mineral dust particles.pdf.jpgZolles, Tobias Heterogeneous ice nucleation on mineral dust particlesThesis Hochschulschrift 2013