| | Preview | Author(s) | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Primerano, Kristina ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Lohninger, Johann ; Hofko, Bernhard | Characterization of Long-term Aged Asphalt Binder with FTIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis | Presentation Vortrag | 9-Jan-2024 |
| 2 | | Rondinella, Fabio ; Daneluz, Fabiola ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Baldo, Nicola | A Machine Learning Approach for the Simultaneous Prediction of Dynamic Modulus and Phase Angle of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 20-Dec-2023 |
| 3 | | Primerano, Kristina ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Lohninger, Johann ; Hofko, Bernhard | Characterization of long-term aged bitumen with FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis methods | Article Artikel  | 15-Dec-2023 |
| 4 | | Werkovits, Stefan ; Primerano, Kristina ; Bacher, Markus ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Rosenau, Thomas ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Grothe, Hinrich | Elucidation of the Chemical Processes in Polymer-modified Bitumen | Presentation Vortrag | 13-Dec-2023 |
| 5 | | Primerano, Kristina ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Hofko, Bernhard | Charakterisierung von Bitumen mit FTIR-Spektroskopie und multivariaten Analysemethoden | Presentation Vortrag | 8-Dec-2023 |
| 6 | | Gruber, Michael Ronald ; Hofko, Bernhard | Scher-Relaxatationsversuch zur Bestimmung des Tieftemperaturverhaltens von Bitumen | Presentation Vortrag | 30-Nov-2023 |
| 7 | | Mirwald, Johannes ; Aikaterina Varveri ; Tavassoti Kheiry, Pezhouhan ; Hofko, Bernhard | RILEM TC 295-FBB Fingerprinting bituminous binders using physico-chemical analysis TG 1: Towards FTIR Pre-Standardization - Update Fall 2023 | Presentation Vortrag | 8-Nov-2023 |
| 8 | | Hofko, Bernhard ; Stüwe, Sophie ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Zhou, David | Klimafitte Asphaltbeläge gegen Hitzeinseln in der Stadt | Report Bericht | Nov-2023 |
| 9 | | Maschauer, Daniel ; Steiner, Daniel ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Hofko, Bernhard | Chemical and mechanical analysis of VAPro-aged asphalt binders from different crude oil sources | Article Artikel  | 19-Oct-2023 |
| 10 | | Rondinella, Fabio ; Daneluz, Fabiola ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Baldo, Nicola | Improved predictions of asphalt concretes’ dynamic modulus and phase angle using decision-tree based categorical boosting model | Article Artikel  | 12-Oct-2023 |
| 11 | | Lu, Tong ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Sun, Daquan ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Hu, Mingjun | Microscopic and rheologic characterization of third generation self-repairing microcapsule modified asphalt | Article Artikel  | 12-Oct-2023 |
| 12 | | Mirwald, Johannes ; Niszl, Christina ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Hofko, Bernhard | Quantifying the influence of heating and resting on the bitumen microstructure | Article Artikel  | 12-Oct-2023 |
| 13 | | Schönauer, Paul ; Gruber, Michael Ronald ; Hofko, Bernhard | Zwischenbericht METAsphalt - Maßnahmen zur Energie- und Treibhausgasreduktion bei der Produktion von Asphaltmischgut | Report Bericht | 4-Oct-2023 |
| 14 | | Gruber, Michael Ronald ; Hofko, Bernhard | Carbin - App zur Zustandserfassung der Oberflächenebenheit mittels International Roughness Index (IRI) | Report Bericht | Oct-2023 |
| 15 | | Alasatri, Suresh ; Schneider, Michael ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Schmid, Ulrich | Continuous Monitoring of the Dynamic Viscosity of Bitumen with Piezoelectric MEMS Sensors | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | Oct-2023 |
| 16 | | Alasatri, Suresh ; Schneider, Michael ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Schmid, Ulrich | Real-time tracking of the dynamic viscosity of bitumen with piezoelectric MEMS resonators | Presentation Vortrag | 13-Sep-2023 |
| 17 | | Hofko, Bernhard ; Hofer, Kristina ; Mirwald, Johannes | Bitumenalterung und Kreislaufwirtschaft - ein Widerspruch? | Presentation Vortrag | 29-Aug-2023 |
| 18 | | Mirwald, Johannes ; Maric, Bernard ; Hofer, Kristina ; Hofko, Bernhard | Evaluating the combined effect of photooxidation and thermal ageing on asphalt binders | Presentation Vortrag | 20-Jul-2023 |
| 19 | | Primerano, Kristina ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Hofko, Bernhard | Characterization of asphalt binder with FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis methods | Presentation Vortrag | 19-Jul-2023 |
| 20 | | Werkovits, Stefan ; Bacher, Markus ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Theiner, Johannes ; Rosenau, Thomas ; Hofko, Berhard ; Grothe, Hinrich | The impact of field ageing on molecular structure and chemistry of bitumen | Article Artikel  | 1-Jul-2023 |