| | Preview | Author(s) | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Gößnitzer, Clemens ; Steinrück, Herbert | A new approach to simulate confined, premixed and slow combustion | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2019 |
| 2 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Maly, Anton | The growth of a rotary gravity wave in a cylindrical container | Artikel Article ![peer reviewed](/image/PeerReview_Icon.png) | 2019 |
| 3 | | Gößnitzer, Clemens ; Steinrück, Herbert | Exact Flame-Front Tracking In Premixed Low Mach Number Combustion | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings ![peer reviewed](/image/PeerReview_Icon.png) | 2018 |
| 4 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Maly, Anton ; Glanz, Gregor | A rotary wave in phase condenser mode | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2018 |
| 5 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Maly, Anton | The growth of a gravity wave in a cylindrical container | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings ![peer reviewed](/image/PeerReview_Icon.png) | 2018 |
| 6 | | Gößnitzer, Clemens ; Steinrück, Herbert | Modeling confined dust explosions | Präsentation Presentation | 2018 |
| 7 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Maly, Anton | A shear stress driven rotary wave in a cylindrical container: stability of higher order modes and experimental result | Präsentation Presentation | 2018 |
| 8 | | Gößnitzer, Clemens ; Steinrück, Herbert | Flame propagation in arbitrarily shaped vessels | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2018 |
| 9 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Maly, Anton | Experimental and asymptotic investigation of a rotary wave in a cylindrical container | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2017 |
| 10 | | Müllner, Thomas ; Streibl, Bernhard ; Steinrück, Herbert | Internal Flow in reciprocating compressors | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings ![peer reviewed](/image/PeerReview_Icon.png) | 2016 |
| 11 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Gusner, Lorenz | The excitation mechanism of a shear stress induced rotary wave | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2016 |
| 12 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Gusner, Lorenz | Excitation Mechanism of a shear stress induced rotary gravity wave | Präsentation Presentation | 2016 |
| 13 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Gusner, Lorenz | Asymptotic analysis of a rotary wave in a cylindrical container | Präsentation Presentation | 2016 |
| 14 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Gusner, Lorenz | A circulating gravity wave in a cylindrical tank | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2015 |
| 15 | | Strecha, Johannes ; Kuznetsov, Sergey ; Pospísil, Stanislav ; Steinrück, Herbert | Different regimes of the flow around a U-beam and their importance for flutter vibrations | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings ![peer reviewed](/image/PeerReview_Icon.png) | 2015 |
| 16 | | Strecha, Johannes ; Steinrück, Herbert | Critical velocities for flow induced vibrations of a U-shaped belt | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2015 |
| 17 | | Strecha, Johannes ; Kuznetsov, Sergey ; Král, Radomil ; Pospísil, Stanislav ; Spitzy, Lorenzo ; Steinrück, Herbert | A Wind tunnel analysis of flutter vibrations of a U-beam | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings ![peer reviewed](/image/PeerReview_Icon.png) | 2014 |
| 18 | | Strecha, Johannes ; Steinrück, Herbert | Dependence of the aeroelastic stability of a slender U-beam on the realized flow pattern | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2014 |
| 19 | | Strecha, Johannes ; Steinrück, Herbert | Vortex Induced Vibrations of a U-beam under two different flow patterns | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings ![peer reviewed](/image/PeerReview_Icon.png) | 2014 |
| 20 | | Steinrück, Herbert ; Müllner, Markus | Simulation of a membrane flow interaction by an iteration based on a panel method | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2013 |