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Stapleton, Lawrence
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Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gabriel Hermann Jakob - 2023 - Blockchain Technology Adoption for Supply Chain...pdf.jpgGabriel, Hermann Jakob Blockchain Technology Adoption for Supply Chain Management in AustriaThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Zipse Philip Karl - 2023 - Profiles and success factors of responsive...pdf.jpgZipse, Philip Karl Profiles and success factors of responsive organizationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Fritsch Martin - 2022 - Non-fungible Tokens as Digital Trading Assets.pdf.jpgFritsch, Martin Non-fungible Tokens as Digital Trading AssetsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
4OEzcan Ayse Ece - 2021 - To what extent do engineering management organisations...pdf.jpgÖzcan, Ayse Ece To what extent do engineering management organisations promote mindfulness amongst their workforce?Thesis Hochschulschrift 2021
5Janisch Fabian - 2021 - Accelerated crypto currencies a systematic analysis of...pdf.jpgJanisch, Fabian Accelerated crypto currencies: a systematic analysis of Silvio Gesell’s theories and its implementation on local crypto currenciesThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
6Primo de Carvalho Alves Fernanda - 2021 - Applying the multidimensional ethics...pdf.jpgPrimo de Carvalho Alves, Fernanda Applying the multidimensional ethics scale to a microtasking crowdsourcing scenarioThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
7Liu Fangyin Frannie - 2020 - How IoT applications with wireless technology...pdf.jpgLiu, Fangyin Frannie How IoT applications with wireless technology improving security of people with dementia and reduced the loading of care takersThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
8Weszelits Anna - 2020 - Managing change and development in a complex...pdf.jpgWeszelits, Anna Managing change and development in a complex socio-technical system: an air traffic management case studyThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
9Abraham Georgey - 2020 - Adapting sustainable policies at the end-of-life stage...pdf.jpgAbraham, Georgey Adapting sustainable policies at the end-of-life stage in the product life cycle in SME's in the UAE – enablers and barriersThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
10Kalam Alin - 2019 - Management perspectives of Data-driven ecosystem-based...pdf.jpgKalam, Alin Management perspectives of Data-driven, ecosystem-based business transformationThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
11Jawed Mohammed - 2019 - Continuous security in DevOps environment Integrating...pdf.jpgJawed, Mohammed Continuous security in DevOps environment: Integrating automated security checks at each stage of continuous deployment pipelineThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
12Papachartofyli Orthodoxia - 2018 - Agile software development within the flat...pdf.jpgPapachartofyli, Orthodoxia Agile software development within the flat organization case study: evaluating the implementation in a small tech start-upThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
13Maurer Christoph - 2018 - Towards a new vision of customer identity management...pdf.jpgMaurer, Christoph Towards a new vision of customer identity management in European banking using emerging distributed ledger and cryptographic approaches: the case for and against blockchainThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
14Metzger, Martin A critical analysis of agile methodologies compared to traditional, structured methodologies: a case study of requirements engineering in ERP operations managementThesis Hochschulschrift2017
15Heidari Mohsen - 2017 - Globalization identiying the challenges and obstacles...pdf.jpgHeidari, Mohsen Globalization, identiying the challenges and obstacles : (case study: exporting and importing companies of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs)Thesis Hochschulschrift 2017
16Almugrabi Amira - 2016 - ICT Adoption in SMEs In Arab States and their Impact on...pdf.jpgAlmugrabi, Amira ICT Adoption in SMEs In Arab States and their Impact on the Economic Development: Country Case Studies of UAE and JordanThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
17Romanenko Anton - 2016 - Data Warehouse implementation success and failure...pdf.jpgRomanenko, Anton Data Warehouse implementation success and failure factors : case study IBM BDW implementation at the State Savings Bank of UkraineThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
18Mair, Wolfgang Leveraging Microfinance through mobile banking technologyThesis Hochschulschrift2014
19Kirchsteiger, Michael Business intelligence in today's banking challenges: Basel-IIThesis Hochschulschrift2008