Wobrauschek, P. (2022, August 2). Trace analysis workshop: Introduction and instrumentation [Conference Presentation]. Denver X-ray conference, Rockville, Maryland, United States of America (the).
Rockville, Maryland, United States of America (the)
Both beginners and experienced X-ray scientists and applicants, physicists and chemists, should gain information by attending the trace analysis workshop. Presentations of most modern techniques and instrumentation for trace element analysis using EDXRS will be given. Physical methods to improve minimum detection limits in XRF by background reduction will be discussed; Special emphasis will be on Synchrotron radiation as excitation source. Introduction to total reflection XRF (TXRF) and actual instrumentation will show achievable advantages and results in terms of detection limits, sensitivities and detectable elemental range down to light elements ( eg.Carbon). Micro-XRF and Confocal µ-XRF will be presented as methods for 2D and 3D spatial resolved elemental imaging. Applications from fields as environment, microelectronics, forensic, and life science will show the successful use of the various XRF spectrometric techniques. The possibilities of trace analysis using Wavelength dispersive XRF will also be covered, showing the benefits and limitations of the technique. A comparison of achievable detection limits with the various techniques on some specific samples will be discussed