Jiménez Segura, N., Pichler, B. L. A., & Hellmich, C. (2022). Stress Average Rule Derived Through the Principle of Virtual Power. Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik, 102(9), Article e202200091. https://doi.org/10.1002/zamm.202200091
E202-01 - Forschungsbereich Festigkeitslehre und Biomechanik E202-03 - Forschungsbereich Baustatik und experimentelle Mechanik
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
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Stress Average; Principle of Virtual Power; Representative Volume Element
Stress and strain average rules are the key conceptual pillars of the wide field of continuum micromechanics of materials. The aforementioned rules express that the spatial average of (micro-)stress and (micro-)strain fields throughout a microscopically finite representative volume element (RVE) are equal to the (macro-)stress and (macro-)strain values associated with the corresponding macroscopically infinitesimal volume element (macroscopic material point). According to the famous contribution of Hashin, stress and strain average rules are derived from equilibrium and compatibility conditions, together with (micro-)displacement and (micro-)traction boundary conditions associated with homogeneous (macro-)strains and (macro-)stresses, respectively. However, as, strictly speaking, only displacements or tractions can be described at the boundary, the remaining average rule turns out as a mere definition. We here suggest a way to do without such a definition, by resorting to the principle of virtual power (PVP) as a means to guarantee mechanical equilibrium: at the boundary of the RVE, we prescribe virtual (micro-)velocities, which are linked to arbitrary, but homogeneous virtual (macro-)velocities and (macro-)strain rates, while the latter are also linked, in a multilinear fashion, with the microscopic virtual strain rate fields inside the RVE. Considering, under these conditions, equivalence of the macroscopic and the microscopic expressions for the virtual power densities of the internal and the external forces yields the well-known stress average rule and, in case of microscopically uniform force fields, a volume force average rule. The same strategy applied to an RVE hosting single forces between atomistic mass points, readily yields the macroscopic “internal virial stress tensor.”.
Project title:
Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications: 764691 - ERICA (European Commission)