Ramonet Marques, F., Jordan, C., Haddadi Sisakht, B., & Harasek, M. (2022, October 23). Anaerobic Digestion as a Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization Technology [Conference Presentation]. 1st International Conference on Energy, Environment & Digital Transition - E2DT, Mailand, Italy. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12708/152843
With the emergence of biogas upgrading technologies, biogas is upgraded into biomethane with carbon dioxide as a byproduct. A common practice in biomethane plants is to release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere instead of utilizing it as an input for greenhouses or algal farming. In this study, the unutilized 1,900,000 m3/y carbon dioxide from the biogas plant in Bruck an der Leitha (Austria) will be used for greenhouse crop farming. This study aims to determine the number of hectares of greenhouses that can be enriched with this CO2. An optimal greenhouse enriched with CO2 will be designed for the production of local crops to reduce the biogas plant carbon dioxide emissions.
Project title:
Ein disruptives, innovatives, kooperatives, unternehmerisches Programm für Ausbildung, Training und Entwicklung von Fertigkeiten für die nächste Generation von Absolventen im Bereich agrobasierten Bioraffinerien und der Valorisierung der Bioökonomie: 860477 (European Commission)