Schweinberger, S. (2021). Hard- and software development of a mechanobiological organ-on-a-chip platform [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
While mechanobiological research interfaces biology and engineering, most current systems still rely on an expensive and bulky periphery to relay pressure to and from pneumatic valves to a cell-culture device. Such a periphery usually consists of pressure system, pumps, and a computer for control. However, setting up such a system may require engineering expertise or commercial solutions. Here, a platform is presented, which allows scientists to perform dynamic cultivation for biology experiments on microfluidic devices to facilitate mechanobiological research at low cost. The platform consists of an Arduino based controller paired with a transistor array which can drive eight solenoid valves simultaneously. The pneumatic of the platform is controlled by a LCD and rotary encoder, while encased in to a custom-made housing. The foot print of the system is 6.5x9x13 cm and the total material price is less than 100e. As a demonstration, we show that the platform is capable of automatically inducing reproducible wounds on a wound healing chip
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