Bendik, J. (2021). On Decomposition of Maximal Satisfiable Subsets. In Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2021 (pp. 212–221). TU Wien Academic Press.
In many areas of computer science, we are given an
unsatisfiable formula F in CNF, i.e., a set of clauses, with the
goal to analyze the unsatisfiability. A kind of such analysis is to
identify Minimal Correction Subsets (MCSes) of F, i.e., minimal
subsets of clauses that need to be removed from F to make it
satisfiable. Equivalently, one might identify the complements of
MCSes, i.e., Maximal Satisfiable Subsets (MSSes) of F. The more
MSSes (MCSes) of F are identified, the better insight into the unsatisfiability
can be obtained. Hence, there were proposed many
algorithms for complete MSS (MCS) enumeration. Unfortunately,
the number of MSSes can be exponential w.r.t. |F|, which often
makes the complete enumeration practically intractable.
In this work, we attempt to cope with the intractability of
complete MSS enumeration by initiating the study on MSS
decomposition. In particular, we propose several techniques that
often allows for decomposing the input formula F into several
subformulas. Subsequently, we explicitly enumerate all MSSes
of the subformulas, and then combine those MSSes to form
MSSes of the original formula F. An extensive empirical study
demonstrates that due to the MSS decomposition, the number of
MSSes that need to be explicitly identified is often exponentially
smaller than the total number of MSSes. Consequently, we
are able to improve upon a scalability of contemporary MSS
enumeration approaches by many orders of magnitude.