Theil, E. (2021). Clustering technique for efficient coupled simulations of grain structure and precipitation kinetics [Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
Ausscheidungskinetik; Finite Element Methode; Verformung; Aluminium
precepitation; finite element methods; deformation; aluminum
The focus of this thesis was the development of such a technique to describe the microstructure evolution of aluminium during deformation and heat treatment processes. In this context, two main goals were defined in this work. First, the various physical models needed to be investigated and sourced. Special attention was given to the model which described the grain structure development based on the evolution of a dislocation density. Second, the multiscale model to predict the simultaneous change in grain structure and precipitation kinetics needed to be implemented. While the corresponding material models had been already set up, the coupling of the grain structure evolution to precipitation kinetics required a new algorithm to make the computation feasible.
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