Gal, B., Madreiter, T., Scheder, N., Liesinger, E., Hold, P., & Schlund, S. (2024). Expanding the boundaries of Zero Defect Manufacturing - A systematic literature review. In Procedia CIRP (pp. 336–341).
31st CIRP Conference on Lifecycle Engineering (2024)
Event date:
19-Jun-2024 - 21-Jun-2024
Event place:
Torino, Italy
Number of Pages:
Peer reviewed:
Sustainable Production; Zero Defect Manufacturing; Human Potential Loss; Resource Loss; Data Loss
With Industry 5.0 on the horizon, research and innovation is prioritising the transition to sustainable, human-centred and resilient manufacturing. In this context, Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) strategies combine tools, resources and rules with the aim of avoiding defects and increasing the sustainable performance of complex manufacturing systems. Five distinct strategies for ZDM have been identified in the literature: (I) detection, (II) prediction, (III) prevention, (IV) repair, and (V) mitigation or compensation. The main motivation of this paper is to discuss an extension of these five existing dimensions by three more, which will enable the transformation of classical ZDM towards a more sustainable production. The main objective of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review that covers the state of the art of ZDM and highlights the need to add the three (Zero3) dimensions: i) Zero Resource Loss (resource and emission improvement) ii) Zero Human Potential Loss (productivity and stability improvement) iii) Zero Data Gap (increase in efficiency of data use).