Biegger, F., Rameshan, C., Opitz, A. K., Noll, J., Haunold, T., Lang, H., & Barth, S. C. (2016). Thioether functionalised gallium and indium alkoxides in materials synthesis. New Journal of Chemistry, 40, 6962–6969.
The thermolysis behaviour of a new class of metal alkoxides containing a thioether functionality in the alkyl chain is described. Homoleptic gallium alkoxides with sufficient volatility have been investigated in low pressure chemical vapour deposition (CVD) showing the potency of the thioether to act as a sulphidisation agent during decomposition of the precursor leading to Ga2O3−xSx films. Similar thermolysis experiments were conducted in high boiling point solvents leading to Ga2O3−xSx and In2O3−xSx particles. The thermolysis products have been investigated by SEM, EDX, XRD and XPS. Moreover, initial tests of the electrical transport properties of amorphous Ga2O3−xSx films have been conducted, showing increased conductivity and altered activation energies for the sulphur containing films.
Research facilities:
Universitäre Service-Einrichtung für Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie