Lechner, C., & Kuhlmann, H. (2011). Direct Numerical Simulation of Particles in a Fluid Interacting With a Wall. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 11(1), 481–482. https://doi.org/10.1002/pamm.201110232
We develop a code to be applied in the context of the cleaning of wafer surfaces
by hydrodynamic forces. Our goal is to study the detachment of
(submicron) particles, exposed to a shear flow, from a wall by means
of direct numerical simulation. The particles are treated as rigid bodies
fully interacting with the fluid.
To simulate moving particles in the fluid we implement an immersed boundary
method with direct forcing into OpenFOAM.
The particle--wall interaction is treated with a soft contact model.
As first simple examples we study the elastic normal impact of a cylinder
onto a wall as well as the onset of sliding of a
cylinder pressed to a horizontal wall by gravity under a time-depended drag force.
Research Areas:
Modelling and Simulation: 40% Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations: 20% Computational Fluid Dynamics: 40%