Pech, S., Lukacevic, M., & Füssl, J. (2022). A hybrid multi-phase field model to describe cohesive failure in orthotropic materials, assessed by modeling failure mechanisms in wood. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 271, Article 108591.
E202 - Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Date (published):
Number of Pages:
Elsevier Ltd.
Peer reviewed:
Cohesive fracture; Multi-phase field model; Orthotropic materials; Wood
Fracture mechanics is crucial for many fields of engineering applications, as precisely predicting failure of structures and parts is required for efficient designs. The simulation of failure processes is, both from a mechanical and a numerical point of view, challenging, especially for inhomogeneous materials, where the microstructure influences crack initiation and propagation and might lead to very complex crack patterns. The phase field method for fracture is a promising approach to encounter such materials, since it is able to describe complex fracture phenomena like crack kinking, branching and coalescence. Moreover, it is a largely mesh independent approach, given that the mesh is homogeneous in the area of the crack. However, the original formulation of the phase field method is limited to isotropic materials and does not account for preferable fracture planes defined through the material's microstructure. In this work, the method is expanded to take orthotropic constitutive behavior and preferable directions of crack propagation into account. We show that by using a stress-based split and multiple phase field variables with preferable fracture planes, in combination with a hybrid phase field approach, a general framework can be found for simulating anisotropic, inhomogeneous materials. The stress-based split is based on fictitious crack faces and is, herein, expanded to support anisotropic materials. Furthermore, a novel hybrid approach is used, where the degradation of the sound material is performed based on a smooth traction free crack boundary condition, which proves to be the main driving factor for recovering commonly observed crack patterns. This is shown by means of a detailed analysis of two examples: a wooden single edge notched plate and a wood board with a single knot and complex fiber directions. In both cases, the proposed novel hybrid phase field approach is able to realistically reproduce complex failure modes.
Project title:
Holz durch computergestützte Methoden berechenbar machen: Y 1093-N30 (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF))
Project (external):
ForestValue project InnoCrossLam
Research Areas:
Biological and Bioactive Materials: 50% Modeling and Simulation: 20% Computational Materials Science: 30%