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E130 - Faculty of Physics
Organization Name (de) Name der Organisation (de)
E130 - Fakultät für Physik
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Active Aktiv

Title/Name:  E134 - Institut für Angewandte Physik

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Results 1-20 of 23883 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Parragh-2024-IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity-vor.pdf.jpgParragh, D. M. ; Scheuerlein, C. ; Piccin, R. ; Ravotti, F. ; Pezzullo, G. ; Ternova, D. ; Taborelli, M. ; Lehner, Markus ; Eisterer, M. Irradiation induced aging of epoxy resins for impregnation of superconducting magnet coilsArticle Artikel May-2024
2Weinberger, M. ; Queralt, I. ; Streli, C. ; Wobrauschek, P. ; Besalú, E. ; Jablan, J. ; Marguí, E. Critical evaluation of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for multielemental analysis of coffee samples: Sample preparation, quantification and chemometric approachesArticle Artikel May-2024
3Franceschi-2024-Journal of Chemical Physics-vor.pdf.jpgFranceschi, Giada ; Conti, Andrea ; Lezuo, Luca ; Abart, Rainer ; Mittendorfer, Florian ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike NH3 adsorption and competition with H2O on a hydroxylated aluminosilicate surfaceArticle Artikel 28-Apr-2024
4Michor-2024-Journal of Alloys and Compounds-vor.pdf.jpgMichor, Herwig ; Roman, Marta ; Reisinger, Lisa Carina ; Fritthum, Maria ; Schmelzenbart, Jana ; Vock, Alexander ; Levytskyi, Volodymyr ; Babizhetskyy, Volodymyr ; Kotur, Bogdan Evolution of charge density wave order in continuous solid solutions Lu(Ni₁₋ₓCoₓ)C₂Article Artikel 15-Apr-2024
5Savchenko, Maksim ; Bykov, A. A. ; Shuvaev, A. ; Bakarov, A. K. ; Pimenov, A. ; Raichev, O. E. Optical realization of magneto-intersubband oscillationsArticle Artikel 15-Apr-2024
6Wang, Chunlei ; Sombut, Panukorn ; Puntscher, Lena ; Jakub, Zdenek ; Meier, Matthias ; Pavelec, Jiri ; Bliem, Roland ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Franchini, Cesare ; Parkinson, Gareth S CO-Induced Dimer Decay Responsible for Gem-Dicarbonyl Formation on a Model Single-Atom CatalystArticle Artikel 15-Apr-2024
7Hechenberger, Florian ; Leutgeb, Josef ; Rebhan, Anton Spin-1 glueballs in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto modelArticle Artikel 12-Apr-2024
8Hechenberger, Florian ; Mamo, Kiminad A. ; Zahed, Ismail Threshold photoproduction of ηc and ηb using holographic QCDArticle Artikel 12-Apr-2024
9Schmiedmayer, Hannes-Jörg Ultracold Quantum MatterPresentation Vortrag12-Apr-2024
10Schmiedmayer, Hannes-Jörg Hybrid Quantum SystemsPresentation Vortrag12-Apr-2024
11Haslinger, Philipp Atom Interferometry and Electron MicroscopyPresentation Vortrag12-Apr-2024
12Langen, Tim Single Atom Quantum TechnologyPresentation Vortrag12-Apr-2024
13Sponar, Stephan Neutron InterferometryPresentation Vortrag12-Apr-2024
14Bühler-Paschen, Silke Quantum MaterialsPresentation Vortrag12-Apr-2024
15Mitra, Toshali ; Mondkar, Sukrut ; Mukhopadhyay, Ayan ; Rebhan, Anton ; Soloviev, Alexander Hydrodynamization in hybrid Bjorken flow attractorsArticle Artikel 9-Apr-2024
16Schmid, Michael Image Processing Techniques for Scanning Probe Microscopies and New Developments for LEEDPresentation Vortrag4-Apr-2024
17Gebeshuber, Ilse-Christine Biomimetics of Thermoregulation in ButterfliesPresentation Vortrag3-Apr-2024
18Allegretta-2024-Applied Clay Science-vor.pdf.jpgAllegretta, Ignazio ; Krstajic, Dragic ; Wobrauschek, Peter ; Kregsamer, Peter ; Ingerle, Dieter ; Streli, Christina ; Porfido, Carlo ; Terzano, Roberto Implementing light elements detection and quantification in aluminosilicate materials using a Low-Z total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometerArticle Artikel Apr-2024
19Sokolovic, Igor ; Guedes, Eduardo ; van Waas, Thomas ; Poncé, Samuel ; Polley, Craig ; Schmid, Michael ; Diebold, Ulrike ; Radović, Milan ; Setvin, Martin ; Dil, Hugo Two-dimensional electron liquids at truly bulk-terminated SrTiO₃Presentation Vortrag22-Mar-2024
20Gebeshuber, Ilse-Christine Was kommt. Was geht. Was bleibt. Herder. Rechnen.Presentation Vortrag21-Mar-2024