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Drmota, Michael
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Results 1-20 of 282 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Drmota, Michael ; Noy, Marc ; Stufler, Benedikt Cut Vertices in Random Planar MapsArticle Artikel 22-Sep-2023
2Drmota, Michael Tree Rooted Planar GraphsPresentation Vortrag29-Jun-2023
3Drmota, Michael Pattern Occurrence Counts in Random Planar MapsPresentation Vortrag22-Mar-2023
4Drmota, Michael Subgraph Statistics in Series-Parallel Graphs and Related Graph StructurePresentation Vortrag28-Feb-2023
5Drmota, Michael Pattern Occurrence Counts in Random Planar MapsPresentation Vortrag23-Jan-2023
6Deshouillers , Jean-Marc ; Drmota, Michael ; Müllner, Clemens Coprimality of Consecutive Elements in a Piatetski-Shapiro SequenceBook Contribution Buchbeitrag2023
7Drmota, Michael ; Mauduit, Christian ; Rivat, Joël ; Spiegelhofer, Lukas Möbius orthogonality of sequences with maximal entropyArticle Artikel 3-Jun-2022
8Drmota, Michael ; Hainzl, Eva Maria Universal Properties of Catalytic Variable EquationsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 1-Jun-2022
9Drmota, Michael ; Müllner, Clemens ; Spiegelhofer, Lukas Primes as sums of Fibonacci numbersPresentation Vortrag17-Mar-2022
10Drmota, Michael Cores and Components in Cubic Planar MapsPresentation Vortrag15-Mar-2022
11Drmota, Michael ; Shamir, Gil ; Szpankowski, Wojciech Sequential universal modeling for non-binary sequences with constrained distributionsArticle Artikel 7-Feb-2022
12Drmota, Michael Moebius orthogonalily: a classical and modern topic in number theoryPresentation Vortrag2022
13Drmota, Michael Random Trees - An Analytic ApproachPresentation Vortrag2022
14Drmota, Michael Primes as Sums of Fibonacci Numbers I.Presentation Vortrag2022
15Drmota, Michael Primes as Sums of Fibonacci NumbersPresentation Vortrag2022
16Drmota, Michael Subsequences of Automatic Sequences and Uniform DistributionPresentation Vortrag2022
17Adamczewski, Boris ; Drmota, Michael ; Müllner, Clemens (Logarithmic) Densities for Automatic Sequences along Primes and SquaresArtikel Article 2021
18Drmota, Michael Universal singular exponents in catalytic variable equations.Präsentation Presentation2021
19Drmota, Michael Subgraph Statistics in Series-Parallel Graphs and Related Graph StructurePräsentation Presentation2021
20Drmota, Michael (Maximal) Independent Sets in Various Random Graph ClassesPräsentation Presentation2021

Results 1-20 of 50 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Nessmann Andreas - 2023 - Discrete polyharmonic functions and their applications...pdf.jpgNessmann, Andreas Discrete polyharmonic functions and their applications in combinatoricsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Unterberger Lucas - 2022 - The Erdoes-Ko-Rado theorem in graph theory.pdf.jpgUnterberger, Lucas The Erdös-Ko-Rado theorem in graph theoryThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
3Schuh Fabian - 2022 - Profile of asymmetric tries in the saddle point range.pdf.jpgSchuh, Fabian Profile of asymmetric tries in the saddle point rangeThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
4Wallner, Michael ; Price, Andrew Elvey ; Fang, Wenije Asymptotics of Minimal Deterministic Finite Automata Recognizing a Finite Binary LanguageKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
5Wallner, Michael ; Bousquet-Melou, Mireille More Models of Walks Avoiding a QuadrantKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
6Ralaivaosaona, Dimbinaina ; Requilé, Clément Louis M. ; Wagner, Stephan Block Statistics in Subcritical Graph ClassesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
7Wallner, Michael ; Banderier, Cyril ; Lackner, Marie-Louise Latticepathology and Symmetric FunctionsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
8Papadogiannis Loukas - 2020 - Class field theory - Artin reciprocity law.pdf.jpgPapadogiannis, Loukas Class field theory - Artin reciprocity lawThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
9Verwee Johann Jacques Roger - 2020 - Theoremes dErdos-Wintner effectifs.pdf.jpgVerwee, Johann Jacques Roger Theóremès d'Erdős-Wintner effectifsThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
10Nessmann Andreas - 2020 - Lattice walks in the quarter plane.pdf.jpgNessmann, Andreas Lattice walks in the quarter planeThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
11Yu Guan-Ru - 2019 - Pattern occurrences in random planar maps and catalytic...pdf.jpgYu, Guan-Ru Pattern occurrences in random planar maps and catalytic functional equationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
12Steiner Theres - 2018 - The complexity of prime number tests.pdf.jpgSteiner, Theres The complexity of prime number testsThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
13Rainer Daniel - 2018 - Geometrische Zufallsgraphen und ihre Anwendungen.pdf.jpgRainer, Daniel Geometrische Zufallsgraphen und ihre AnwendungenThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
14Asinowski, Andrei ; Barequet, Gill ; Zheng, Yufei Enumerating Polyominoes with Fixed Perimeter DefectKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
15Muellner Clemens - 2017 - Exponential sum estimates and Fourier analytic methods...pdf.jpgMüllner, Clemens Exponential sum estimates and Fourier analytic methods for digitally based dynamical systemsThesis Hochschulschrift 2017
16Ekart Alexander - 2016 - The Cori-Vauquelin-Schaeffer bijection and its...pdf.jpgEkart, Alexander The Cori-Vauquelin-Schaeffer bijection and its applications in the theory of scaling limits of random labelled quadrangulations and treesThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
17Koeck Marco - 2016 - Abstaende zwischen Primzahlen.pdf.jpgKöck, Marco Abstände zwischen PrimzahlenThesis Hochschulschrift 2016
18Rubey, Martin ; Westbury, Bruce W. Combinatorics of symplectic invariant tensorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2015
19Drmota, Michael ; Gittenberger, Bernhard ; Karigl, Günther ; Panholzer, Alois Mathematik für Informatik. Vierte erweiterte AuflageBuch Book2014
20Satzinger, Christina On tree-decompositions and their algorithmic implications for bounded-treewidth graphsThesis Hochschulschrift2014