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Jakoby, B

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Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1van den Driesche, Sander ; Rao, Vivek ; Puchberger-Enengl, Dietmar ; Witarski, Wojciech ; Vellekoop, Michael J. ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Continuous separation of viable cells by travelling wave dielectrophoresisKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
2Moscelli, Nicola ; Van den Driesche, Sander ; Witarski, W. ; Iluilano, F. ; Vellekoop, Michael J. ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. A real-time monitoring system for adherently grown cellsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
3Matovic, J. ; Reichenberger, K. ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Two - way SMA actuators for space application: performances and reliabilityKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
4Rosenauer, Michael ; Vellekoop, Michael J. ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Characterization of an on-chip reconfigurable 3D optofluidic microlens by confocal laser scanning microscopyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
5Bittner, Achim ; Schmid, Ulrich ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Permittivity of LTCC Substrates Porousified With a Wet Chemical Etching ProcessKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
6Giouroudi, Ioanna ; Driesche, Sander van den ; Kosel, Jürgen ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Biosensing Utilizing the Motion of Magnetic Microparticles in a Microfluidic SystemKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
7Sachse, Matthias ; Hortschitz, Wilfried ; Kohl, Franz ; Schalko, Johannes ; Keplinger, Franz ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. A Middle Ear Microphone Design Basid on the Physiology of the EarKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
8Matovic, J. ; Adamovic, N. ; Jakšić, Z. ; Schmid, U. ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Field effect transistor based on protons as charge carriersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
9Buchegger, Wolfgang ; Kraft, Martin ; Vellekoop, Michael J. ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Characterization of a vertical lamination micromixer for IR spectroscopyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
10Manzaneque, T. ; Hernando-García, J. ; Ababneh, A. ; Seidel, H. ; Sökmen, Ü. ; Peiner, E. ; Schmid, U. ; Sánchez-Rojas, J.L. ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Quality factor enhancement in AlN-actuated MEMS by velocity feedback loopKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
11Dalola, Simone ; Cerimovic, Samir ; Kohl, Franz ; Schalko, J. ; Ferrari, Vittorio ; Marioli, Daniele ; Keplinger, Franz ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Highly Sensitive Smart Flow Sensor with Frequency and Duty Cycle OutputKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
12Cerimovic, Samir ; Forstner, Michael ; Kohl, Franz ; Talic, Amir ; Keplinger, Franz ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. A Computer Mouse Based on Highly Sensitive Micromachined Flow SensorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
13Hortschitz, Wilfried ; Steiner, Harald ; Sachse, Matthias ; Kohl, Franz ; Schalko, Johannes ; Keplinger, Franz ; Jakoby, B ; Vellekoop, M. J. Hybrid Optical MEMS Vibration SensorKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010