Melinc, D. (2021). Mechanical and metallographic characterization of the ternary Sn/Bi/In solder system for self-healing applications [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.
This work presents mechanical and metallographic investigations in the Sn/Bi/In ternary solder system for self-healing applications. The study starts with a detailed analysis of the ternary system under application of the CALPHAD method to scan the composition range of solders for desired microstructural properties related to the distinct environment in microelectronic devices. The solder alloy Sn37Bi4In is chosen due to its pursuant mechanical and microstructural properties complemented with heat-triggered healing effects at low temperatures. An extended investigation on the influence of temperature and alloying elements, including long-term stability tests above the solidus temperature, evaluates the evolution of microstructure and mechanical performance. To determine whether the Sn37Bi4In solder, as a representative for the ternary system, can be healed at application-typical temperatures, dog bone-shaped specimens are mold, machined, and plastically damaged during tension-compression cycling (loading protocol). In the subsequent healing step, the effect of liquid-assisted healing with different liquid phase fractions is utilized. In the evaluation process, the mechanical performance of beforehand fatigued samples and the healed samples is assessed by stress-strain curves of tensile tests and converted into significant materials parameters for further evaluation.