Mesesan, G., Schuller, R., Englsberger, J., Ott, C., & Albu-Schäffer, A. (2023). Unified Motion Planner for Walking, Running, and Jumping Using the Three-Dimensional Divergent Component of Motion. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 1–21.
Running and jumping are locomotion modes that allow legged robots to rapidly traverse great distances and overcome difficult terrain. In this article, we show that the 3-D divergent component of motion (3D-DCM) framework, which was successfully used for generating walking trajectories in previous works, retains its validity and coherence during flight phases, and, therefore, can be used for planning running and jumping motions. We propose a highly efficient motion planner that generates stable center-of-mass (CoM) trajectories for running and jumping with arbitrary contact sequences and time parametrizations. The proposed planner constructs the complete motion plan as a sequence of motion phases that can be of different types: stance, flight, transition phases, etc. We introduce a unified formulation of the CoM and DCM waypoints at the start and end of each motion phase, which makes the framework extensible and enables the efficient waypoint computation in matrix and algorithmic form. The feasibility of the generated reference trajectories is demonstrated by extensive whole-body simulations with the humanoid robot TORO.
Project title:
Utilizing Natural Dynamics for Reliable Legged Locomotion: 819358 (European Commission)