Schreiberhuber, S., Prankl, J., & Vincze, M. (2018). Towards ScalableFusion: Feasibility Analysis of a Mesh Based 3D Reconstruction. In M. Welk, M. Urschler, & P. M. Roth (Eds.), Proceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2018 (pp. 47–52). Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
This work describes a novel real time approach for creating, storing and maintaining a 3D reconstruction. Previous approaches for reconstruction attach one uniform color to every geometric primitive. This one-to-one relationship implies that even when geometrical complexity is low, a high resolution colorization can only be achieved by a high geometrical resolution. Our contribution is an approach to overcome this limitation by decoupling the mentioned relationship. In fact newer, higher resolution color information can replace old one at any time without expensively modifying any of the geometrical primitives. We furthermore promise scalability by enabling capture of fine grained detail as well as large scale environments.