| | Preview | Author(s) | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Hofko, Bernhard ; Stüwe, Sophie ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Zhou, David | Klimafitte Asphaltbeläge gegen Hitzeinseln in der Stadt | Report Bericht | Nov-2023 |
| 2 | | Lu, Tong ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Sun, Daquan ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Hu, Mingjun | Microscopic and rheologic characterization of third generation self-repairing microcapsule modified asphalt | Article Artikel  | 12-Oct-2023 |
| 3 | | Mirwald, Johannes ; Niszl, Christina ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Hofko, Bernhard | Quantifying the influence of heating and resting on the bitumen microstructure | Article Artikel  | 12-Oct-2023 |
| 4 | | Diaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Donev, Valentin ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Höller, Raphael ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Buchta, Martin ; Pichler, Bernhard | Treatment of Seasonal Variations of FWD Test Results on Rigid Pavements | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | Sep-2023 |
| 5 | | Donev, Valentin ; Díaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Zelaya-Lainez, Luis ; Hellmich, Christian ; Buchta, Martin ; Pichler, Bernhard L. A. | Instrumentation of Field-Testing Sites for Dynamic Characterization of the Temperature-Dependent Stiffness of Pavements and Their Layers | Article Artikel  | 28-Aug-2023 |
| 6 | | Diaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Blab, Ronald ; Buchta, Martin ; Pichler, Bernhard | Multi-Directional Falling Weight Deflectometer Tests as the Basis for Quantifying Subgrade Properties of Rigid Pavements | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | Jul-2023 |
| 7 | | Hu, Mingjun ; Hofko, Bernhard ; Sun, Daquan ; Mirwald, Johannes ; Hofer, Kristina ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Lu, Tong | Microevolution of Polymer–Bitumen Phase Interaction in High-Viscosity Modified Bitumen during the Aging of Reactive Oxygen Species | Article Artikel  | 7-Jun-2023 |
| 8 | | Diaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Donev, Valentin ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Zelaya Lainez, Luis Haroldo ; Höller, Raphael ; Hellmich, Christian ; Buchta, Martin ; Pichler, Bernhard | Seasonal variation of FWD test results of a concrete-over-asphalt composite pavement: asphalt-related temperature correction of measured deflections | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | Jun-2023 |
| 9 | | Diaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Blab, Ronald ; Buchta, Martin ; Pichler, Bernhard | Non-Uniform subgrade properties of rigid pavement structures indentified from multi-directional falling weight deflectometer tests | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | Jun-2023 |
| 10 | | Diaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Donev, Valentin ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Zelaya Lainez, Luis Haroldo ; Höller, Raphael ; Hellmich, Christian ; Blab, Ronald ; Buchta, Martin ; Pichler, Bernhard | Falling Weight Deflectometer tests on multi-layered pavements: design and evaluation of innovative experiments | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | Jun-2023 |
| 11 | | Gober, Franziska ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Blab, Ronald | Performance-related approach for unbound block pavement design in Austria | Presentation Vortrag | 24-May-2023 |
| 12 |  | Bayraktarova, Kristina ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Peyer, Martin Johannes ; Peyerl, Martin ; Blab, Ronald | Towards a better consideration of the interface bonding conditions in the design of bonded concrete overlays | Article Artikel  | Mar-2023 |
| 13 | | Gober, Franziska ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Blab, Ronald | Rechnerische Dimensionierung ungebundener Pflastersteinaufbauten in Österreich - ein neuer Ansatz | Presentation Vortrag | 8-Feb-2023 |
| 14 | | Gober, Franziska ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Blab, Ronald | Ansatz zur rechnerischen Dimensionierung ungebundener Pflasterstein-Aufbauten in Österreich | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag | 7-Feb-2023 |
| 15 | | Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Bayraktarova, Kristina ; Peyer, Martin Johannes ; Blab, Ronald | Performance based design of bonded whitetopping overlays | Article Artikel  | 11-Jan-2023 |
| 16 | | Mirwald, Johannes ; Niszl, Christina ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Hofko, Bernhard | Quantifying the Influence of Heating and Resting on The Formation of the Asphalt Binder Microstructure | Presentation Vortrag | 7-Jan-2023 |
| 17 |  | Donev, Valentin ; Lahayne, Olaf ; Pichler, Bernhard ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas | Ultrasonic Characterisation of the Elastic Properties of Mineral Aggregates Used in Asphalt Mixtures | Article Artikel  | 2023 |
| 18 | | Díaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Donev, Valentin ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Zelaya-Lainez, Luis ; Blab, Ronald ; Buchta, Martin ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Pichler, Bernhard L. A. | Innovative FWD Testing on Concrete Slabs | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 2023 |
| 19 |  | Diaz Flores, Rodrigo ; Aminbaghai, Mehdi ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas ; Blab, Ronald ; Buchta, Martin ; Pichler, Bernhard L. A. | T-shaped arrangement of geophones for rapid quantification of asymmetric behaviour of concrete slabs in central FWD tests | Article Artikel  | 2023 |
| 20 | | Blab, Ronald ; Eberhardsteiner, Lukas | Schlitzgräben im Bankett des Straßenoberbaus zum Breitbandausbau - Technische Anforderungen und Langzeitverhalten | Article Artikel | Dec-2022 |