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Grechenig, Thomas
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Results 1-20 of 226 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Baranyi, René ; Körber, Yannick ; Galimov, Philip ; Parandeh, Zeinab ; Grechenig, Thomas Rehafox – A therapeutical approach developing a serious game to support rehabilitation of stroke patients using a leap motion controllerArticle Artikel Dec-2023
2Hoelbling-2023-Applied Sciences-vor.pdf.jpgHoelbling, Dominik ; Salmhofer, Andre ; Gencoglu, Cebrail ; Baranyi, René ; Pinter, Karl ; Özbay, Serhat ; Ulupinar, Süleyman ; Ozkara, Abdullah Bora ; Grechenig, Thomas JudgED: comparison between kickboxing referee performance at a novel serious game for judging improvement and at world championshipsArticle Artikel 1-Sep-2023
3Čizmič, Dea ; Hölbling, Dominik ; Baranyi, Rene ; Breiteneder, Roland ; Grechenig, Thomas Smart Boxing Glove “RD α”: IMU Combined with Force Sensor for Highly Accurate Technique and Target Recognition Using Machine LearningArticle Artikel 8-Aug-2023
4Galli-2023-Applied Sciences-vor.pdf.jpgGalli, Jonas ; Baranyi, René ; Hoelbling, Dominik ; Pinter, Karl ; Aigner, Christoph ; Hörner, Werner ; Grechenig, Thomas Prevention and rehabilitation gaming support for ankle injuries usable by semi-professional athletes using commercial off-the-shelf sensorsArticle Artikel Aug-2023
5Spiesberger - Höckner, Alois Paul ; Bürstmayr, Lukas ; Vallon, Raoul ; Grechenig, Thomas Identifying Higher Software Engineering Education's Design-Reality Gaps in Rural IndiaInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 29-Jun-2023
6Aigner, Christoph ; Hofmann, Greta ; Winkler, Sylvia ; Baranyi, Rene ; Grechenig, Thomas Nutrition Garden - A gamified mobile app for motivating people to eat specific food to prevent non-communicable diseasesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag May-2023
7Aigner, Christoph ; Zeillinger, Victoria ; Baur, Kevin ; Baranyi, Rene ; Grechenig, Thomas BreathIn – A Serious Game to Support Patients with Smoking Cessation : Analysis and design study for a mobile serious game to help patients quit smokingInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag May-2023
8Baranyi, René ; Hasimbegovic, Amina ; Winkler, Sylvia ; Aigner, Christoph ; Spiesberger, Paul ; Grechenig, Thomas Supporting sustainable development goals through a gamified mHealth application for people with albinism in AfricaArticle Artikel May-2023
9Rast, Lukas ; Baranyi, René ; Pinter, Karl ; Hölbling, Dominik ; Aigner, Christoph ; Grechenig, Thomas Standard Mobile Phones Plus a Balance Board Are Sufficient: Designing a Serious Game for Better Knee RehabilitationInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
10Duvelek, Samir ; Hölbling, Dominik ; Baranyi, Rene ; Breiteneder, Roland ; Pinter, Karl ; Grechenig, Thomas 2Trax3: Raising accessibility and everyday use of automatic motion analysis in (combat) sports via ML enhanced 2D to 3D estimation algorithmsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
11Baranyi, René ; Rast, Lukas ; Pinter, Karl ; Aigner, Christoph ; Hoelbling, Dominik ; Grechenig, Thomas FruitGrind: Analysis, Design and Development of a Serious Game Supporting Knee Rehabilitation Using a Smartphone Attached to a Balance BoardInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
12Aigner, Christoph ; Baranyi, Rene ; Hölbling, Dominik ; Baur, Kevin ; Zeillinger, Victoria ; Grechenig, Thomas Analysis, Implementation, and Assessment of a Serious Game for Smoking Cessation: Investigating Design and Playtesting OutcomesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2023
13Wimmer, Christoph ; Stainer, Bernd ; Grechenig, Thomas On the Impact of Competitive Gameplay on Text Entry Performance - A Study Based on a Mobile Typing GameInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2022
14Hausberger, Andreas ; Tappeiner, Barbara ; Baranyi, Rene ; Grechenig, Thomas Long COVID Diary: A User Centered Approach for the Design of a Mobile Application Supporting Long COVID PatientsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2022
15Pinter, Karl ; Schmelz, Dominik ; Gruber, Markus ; Grechenig, Thomas Bürgerfreundliche Überwachung mit einer blinden Blockchain-Durchlaufstelle zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung mittels Quick FreezeInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2022
16Pinter, Karl ; Schmelz, Dominik ; Ebenhoch, Peter ; Grechenig, Thomas Citizen Empowerment on the Basis of the new Freedom of Information Act in Austria - Make Information Freedom Great AgainInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2022
17Marth, Daniel ; Hlauschek, Clemens ; Schanes, Christian ; Grechenig, Thomas Abusing Trust: Mobile Kernel Subversion via TrustZone RootkitsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag2022
18Hausberger, Andreas ; Baranyi, Rene ; Winkler, Sylvia ; Tappeiner, Barbara ; Grechenig, Thomas Long COVID Diary - Design and Development of a Support Application for People with Long COVIDInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 2022
19Pinter, Karl ; Schmelz, Dominik ; Grechenig, Thomas Hinweise und Maßnahmen zur Non-Diskriminierung kleinerer Plattformen im Rahmen des aktuellen Kommunikationsplattformengesetz: Unterstützungsmodelle zur Vermeidung von Overblocking in der CybergovernanceKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2021
20Schmelz, Dominik ; Pinter, Karl ; Niemeier, Phillip ; Grechenig, Thomas Towards Informational Self-determination: Data Portability Requests Based on GDPR by Providing Public Platforms for Authorised Minimal Invasive Privacy ProtectionKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2021

Results 1-20 of 397 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Nuiding Elena - 2023 - Towards Concepts and Solutions for Testing High-Security...pdf.jpgNuiding, Elena Towards Concepts and Solutions for Testing High-Security Software ArchitecturesThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Stoeger Manuel - 2023 - Continuous Analysis Monitoring and Comparison of Student...pdf.jpgStöger, Manuel Continuous analysis, monitoring, and comparison of student project portfolios in software engineering coursesThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Spettel Stefan - 2023 - Robotics and Edge Computing in 5G A Prototype for the...pdf.jpgSpettel, Stefan Robotics and edge computing in 5G: A prototype for the openairInterface 5G System.Thesis Hochschulschrift 2023
4Kren Julia - 2023 - Analysis Design Development and Evaluation of an Exergame...pdf.jpgKren, Julia Analysis, design, development and evaluation of an exergame for breast cancer patients supporting rehabilitation exercising and management in a pre- and postoperative settingThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
5Weindl Katharina - 2023 - Analysis Design and Prototypical Implementation of a...pdf.jpgWeindl, Katharina Analysis, design and prototypical implementation of a mobile application using gamification elements to support humans suffering from fructose hypersensitivityThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
6Raimer Michael - 2023 - Analyse Design und Entwicklung einer Serious Games...pdf.jpgRaimer, Michael Analyse, Design und Entwicklung einer Serious Games Plattform zur Unterstützung nach einer KnöchelverletzungThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
7Temper Werner Maximilian - 2023 - Analyse Konzeption und Umsetzung einer...pdf.jpgTemper, Werner Maximilian Analyse, Konzeption und Umsetzung einer Smartphone App zur Unterstützung von Personen mit Depressionen und AngststörungenThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
8Erceg Stefan - 2023 - Impact of user experience factors on resistance to change...pdf.jpgErceg, Stefan Impact of user experience factors on resistance to change in technology adoption of mobile app storesThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
9Salmhofer Andre Peter - 2023 - Design Development and Evaluation of a Serious...pdf.jpgSalmhofer, André Peter Design, development and evaluation of a serious game to train decision-making skills of martial arts refereeThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
10Schmelz Dominik - 2023 - Data Protection via or versus Blockchain Technology An...pdf.jpgSchmelz, Dominik Data protection via or versus blockchain technology. An analytic reflection and discussion of the exercise of rights arising from the GDPR to improve privacy in the public digital space when using blockchain technologyThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
11Kalauner Paul Gabriel - 2023 - Analysis and Bypass of Android Application...pdf.jpgKalauner, Paul Gabriel Analysis and bypass of android application anti-reverse engineering mechanismsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
12Haider Daniel - 2023 - Improving REST API Robustness Through Continuous Fuzzing...pdf.jpgHaider, Daniel Improving REST API robustness through continuous fuzzing: A case studyThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
13Ledochowski Felix - 2023 - Design Development and Evaluation of...pdf.jpgLedóchowski, Felix Design, development and evaluation of first-/third-person hybrid locomotion techniques in virtual realityThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
14Limbeck Philipp - 2023 - Dark Patterns in Austrian eCommerce A Web Crawler-Based...pdf.jpgLimbeck, Philipp Dark Patterns in Austrian eCommerce: A Web Crawler-Based Study on Prevalence and Legal ComplianceThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
15Hayden Simon - 2023 - Challenges and Solution Patterns in Communication and...pdf.jpgHayden, Simon Communication and state management for micro frontend architectures - Challenges and solution patternsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
16Sikiric Ana - 2022 - Analyse Design und Prototyping eines Multiplayer Serious...pdf.jpgSikirić, Ana Analyse, Design und Prototyping eines Multiplayer Serious Games zum Austausch zwischen SeniorInnen und der in ihrem sozialen Umfeld lebenden Menschen zur Vermeidung sozialer Isolation und EinsamkeitThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
17Jurek Christoph - 2022 - Analyse Design und Entwicklung eines Serious Games zur...pdf.jpgJurek, Christoph Analyse, Design und Entwicklung eines Serious Games zur Therapie der Auditiven Verarbeitungsstörung im KindesalterThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
18Lucny Gregor - 2022 - Konzeption und Implementierung einer Cloud-unterstuetzten...pdf.jpgLučny, Gregor Konzeption und Implementierung einer Cloud-unterstützten Peer-to-Peer-Backuplösung - P2P-Backuplösung mit Cloud UnterstrützungThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
19Fleck Patrick - 2022 - Utilizing code coverage density to enhance software...pdf.jpgFleck, Patrick Utilizing code coverage density to enhance software quality management decisionsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
20Weiss Matthias - 2022 - A lightweight and integrated software repository mining...pdf.jpgWeiß, Matthias A lightweight and integrated software repository mining and visualisation approach for software engineering educationThesis Hochschulschrift 2022