Full name Familienname, Vorname
Mach-Aigner, Astrid

Results 1-20 of 160 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Knezevic-2023-Chemical Engineering and Processing Process Intensification-vor.pdf.jpgKnezevic, Katarina ; Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Mach, Robert ; Friedl, Anton ; Krampe, Jörg ; Kreuzinger, Norbert Investigation of ion-exchange membranes and erythritol concentration for the desalination of erythritol culture broth by electrodialysisArticle Artikel Oct-2023
2Danner-2023-Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgDanner, Caroline ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R The phenomenon of strain degeneration in biotechnologically relevant fungiArticle Artikel Aug-2023
3Daza-Serna, L. ; Masi, A. ; Serna-Loaiza, S. ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Stark, Georg ; Mach, R. L. ; Mach-Aigner, A.R. ; Friedl, A. Detoxification strategy of wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate for cultivating Trichoderma reesei: a contribution towards the wheat straw biorefineryArticle Artikel 17-Apr-2023
4Besleaga-2023-Fungal Biology and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgBesleaga, Mihail ; Vignolle, Gabriel A ; Kopp, Julian ; Spadiut, Oliver ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R ; Zimmermann, Christian Evaluation of reference genes for transcript analyses in Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris)Article Artikel 2023
5Zimmermann, Christian ; Till, Petra ; Danner, Caroline ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. Genetic Regulation Networks in Cellulase and Hemicellulase Production in an Industrially Applied Cellulase Producer Trichoderma reeseiBook Contribution Buchbeitrag29-Dec-2022
6Machado Mello De Sousa-2022-Journal of Fungi-vor.pdf.jpgMachado Mello De Sousa, Thiago ; Gorsche, Rita ; Jovanović, Birgit ; Mach, Robert L ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R In Vitro Characterization of a Nuclear Receptor-like Domain of the Xylanase Regulator 1 from Trichoderma reeseiArticle Artikel Dec-2022
7Vignolle, Gabriel A. ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Zimmermann, Christian FunOrder 2.0 – a method for the fully automated curation of co-evolved genes in fungal biosynthetic gene clustersArticle Artikel 25-Oct-2022
8Masi, Audrey Laura ; Stark, Georg ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Mach, Robert Erythritol production by the saprobe Trichoderma reesei: screening and optimization using Design of Experiments to better understand the effect of nitrogen source, carbon source, pH and temperature.Presentation Vortrag22-Sep-2022
9Schmal, Matthias ; Girod, Crystal ; Yaver, Debbie ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid A bioinformatic-assisted workflow for genome-wide identification of ncRNAsArticle Artikel 15-Aug-2022
10Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Masi, Audrey Laura ; Serna Loaiza, Sebastian ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Stark, Georg ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Friedl, Anton Detoxification strategy of wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate for cultivating Trichoderma reesei: a contribution towards the wheat biorefinery.Presentation Vortrag15-Jun-2022
11Daza-Serna-2022-Sustainability-vor.pdf.jpgDaza-Serna, Laura ; Knezevic, Katarina ; Kreuzinger, Norbert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Mach, Robert ; Krampe, Jörg ; Friedl, Anton Recovery of Salts from Synthetic Erythritol Culture Broth via Electrodialysis: An Alternative Strategy from the Bin to the LoopArticle Artikel 11-Jan-2022
12Kreuter, Johanna ; Stark, Georg ; Mach, Robert L. ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Zimmermann, Christian Fast and efficient CRISPR-mediated genome editing in Aureobasidium using Cas9 ribonucleoproteinsArtikel Article 2022
13Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Knezevic, Katarina ; Kreuzinger, Norbert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid Rosa ; Mach, Robert ; Krampe, Jörg ; Friedl, Anton Recovery of salts from synthetic erythritol culture broth via electrodialysis: an alternative strategy from the bin to the loop.Presentation Vortrag13-Oct-2021
14Daza-Serna-2021-Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgDaza-Serna, Laura ; Serna-Loaiza, Sebastián ; Masi, Audrey ; Mach, Robert Ludwig ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid Rosa ; Friedl, Anton From the culture broth to the erythritol crystals: an opportunity for circular economyArtikel Article Jun-2021
15Masi-2021-Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgMasi, Audrey ; Mach, Robert L. ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. The pentose phosphate pathway in industrially relevant fungi: crucial insights for bioprocessingArtikel Article May-2021
16Primerano, Paul ; Juric, Melani ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Derntl, Christian Expanding the toolbox: another auxotrophic marker for targeted gene integrations in Trichoderma reeseiArtikel Article 2021
17Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. Die Rolle der Molekulargenetik bei der Entwicklung grüner SyntheseverfahrenPräsentation Presentation2021
18Tomico Cuenca, Irene ; Mach, Robert L. ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Derntl, Christian An overview on current molecular tools for heterologous gene expression in TrichodermaArtikel Article 2021
19Vignolle, Gabriel A. ; Mach, Robert L. ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Derntl, Christian Genome Sequence of the Black Yeast-Like Strain Aureobasidium pullulans var. aubasidani CBS 100524Artikel Article 2021
20Vignolle, Gabriel A. ; Schaffer, Denise ; Zehetner, Leopold ; Mach, Robert L. ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Derntl, Christian FunOrder: A robust and semi-automated method for the identification of essential biosynthetic genes through computational molecular co-evolutionArtikel Article 2021

Results 1-20 of 28 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Woegerbauer Klara - 2023 - Investigation of the mannitol metabolism in...pdf.jpgWögerbauer, Klara Investigation of the mannitol metabolism in Aureobasidium pullulans through CRISPR/Cas9 mediated mutagenesisThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Stark, Georg Impact of Carbon and Nitrogen Source on Erythritol Production in Trichoderma reeseiThesis Hochschulschrift2022
3Pfnier Johanna - 2022 - Development of a filamentous fungi cultivation process...pdf.jpgPfnier, Johanna Development of a filamentous fungi cultivation process in bioreactor for erythritol productionThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
4Peikert Kathrin - 2022 - Trichoderma reesei as a source of novel bioactive...pdf.jpgPeikert, Kathrin Trichoderma reesei as a source of novel bioactive compounds – Exploration of three biosynthetic gene clusters and design of a CRISPR/dCas9-based transcriptional activation toolThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
5Fourtis Lukas - 2021 - Transcription factor engineering for the activation of...pdf.jpgFourtis, Lukas Transcription factor engineering for the activation of biosynthetic gene clustersThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
6Primerano Paul - 2021 - Genetische Manipulationen in Trichoderma reesei und...pdf.jpgPrimerano, Paul Genetische Manipulationen in Trichoderma reesei und Trichoderma atroviride - Auxotrophe Selektionsmarker und das CRISPR/Cas9 systemThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
7Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Martzy, Roland PrefaceBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
8Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Martzy, Roland Trichoderma reesei - Methods and ProtocolsBuch Book2020
9Patocka Timothej Athos - 2020 - Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally...pdf.jpgPatocka, Timothej Athos Ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides in trichoderma reesei: expression profiling and gene deletionThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
10Schmoll, Monika ; Zeilinger, Susanne Resistance Marker- and Gene Gun-Mediated Transformation of Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
11Jovanović, Birgit Batch Cultivation of Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
12Linke, Rita B. Sexual Crossing of Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
13Tomico Cuenca, Irene ; Derntl, Christian Use of Auxotrophic Markers for Targeted Gene Insertions in Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
14Steiger, Matthias G. Flow Cytometry for Filamentous FungiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
15Martzy, Roland ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. The Potential of Synthetic Biology for Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
16Seiboth, Bernhard In Silico Gene Analysis and Oligonucleotide Design for the Construction of Expression VectorsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
17Till, Petra RNA Characterization in Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
18Rahimi, Mohammad J. ; Cai, Feng ; Grujic, Marica ; Chenthamara, Komal ; Druzhinina, Irina S. Molecular Identification of Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
19Chenthamara, Komal ; Druzhinina, Irina S. ; Rahimi, Mohammad J. ; Grujic, Marica ; Cai, Feng Ecological Genomics and Evolution of Trichoderma reeseiBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2020
20Till, Petra Characterization of HAX1, a long noncoding RNA in Trichoderma reeseiThesis Hochschulschrift2018