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Mach, Robert

Results 1-20 of 391 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Daza-Prieto-2024-International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Mic...-vor.pdf.jpgDaza-Prieto, Beatriz ; Raicevic, Nadja ; Cabal, Adriana ; Hyden, Patrick ; Mösenbacher, Tobias ; Ladstätter, Johann ; Richter, Susanne ; Stöger, Anna ; Joao Cardoso, Maria ; Chakeri, Ali ; Hasenberger, Petra ; Stadlbauer, Silke ; Mach, Robert ; Martinovic, Aleksandra ; Ruppitsch, Werner Enterococcus montenegrensis sp. nov., isolated from artisanal Montenegrin dry sausageArticle Artikel 19-Jan-2024
2Kabore-2024-Parasite-vor.pdf.jpgKaboré, Bénéwendé Aristide ; Taqi, Syeda Dua ; Mkinga, Athumani ; Morales Zambrana, Anibal E ; Mach, Robert ; Vreysen, Marc ; de Beer, Chantel J. Radiation dose fractionation and its potential hormetic effects on male Glossina palpalis gambiensis (Diptera: Glossinidae): a comparative study of reproductive and flight quality parametersArticle Artikel 2024
3Kabore-2023-Scientific Reports-vor.pdf.jpgKaboré, Bénéwendé Aristide ; Nawaj, Arooj ; Maiga, Hamidou ; Soukia, Olga ; Pagabeleguem, Soumaïla ; Ouédraogo/Sanon, Marie Sophie Gisèle ; Vreysen, Marc J B ; Mach, Robert ; de Beer, Chantel J X-rays are as effective as gamma-rays for the sterilization of Glossina palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank, 1911 (Diptera: Glossinidae) for use in the sterile insect techniqueArticle Artikel 17-Oct-2023
4Knezevic-2023-Chemical Engineering and Processing Process Intensification-vor.pdf.jpgKnezevic, Katarina ; Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Mach, Robert ; Friedl, Anton ; Krampe, Jörg ; Kreuzinger, Norbert Investigation of ion-exchange membranes and erythritol concentration for the desalination of erythritol culture broth by electrodialysisArticle Artikel Oct-2023
5Danner-2023-Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgDanner, Caroline ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R The phenomenon of strain degeneration in biotechnologically relevant fungiArticle Artikel Aug-2023
6Daza-Serna, L. ; Masi, A. ; Serna-Loaiza, S. ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Stark, Georg ; Mach, R. L. ; Mach-Aigner, A.R. ; Friedl, A. Detoxification strategy of wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate for cultivating Trichoderma reesei: a contribution towards the wheat straw biorefineryArticle Artikel 17-Apr-2023
7Yamada, Hanano ; Kaboré, Bénéwendé Aristide ; Bimbilé Somda, Nanwintoum Séverin ; Ntoyi, Nonhlanhla Lindiwe ; de Beer, Chantel Janet ; Bouyer, Jérémy ; Caceres, Carlos ; Mach, Robert L ; GOMEZ-SIMUTA, YEUDIEL Suitability of Raycell MK2 Blood X-ray Irradiator for the Use in the Sterile Insect Technique: Dose Response in Fruit Flies, Tsetse Flies and MosquitoesArticle Artikel 15-Jan-2023
8Besleaga-2023-Fungal Biology and Biotechnology-vor.pdf.jpgBesleaga, Mihail ; Vignolle, Gabriel A ; Kopp, Julian ; Spadiut, Oliver ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R ; Zimmermann, Christian Evaluation of reference genes for transcript analyses in Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris)Article Artikel 2023
9Gstoettenmayer-2023-Parasite-vor.pdf.jpgGstöttenmayer, Fabian ; Moyaba, Percy ; Rodriguez, Montse ; Mulandane, Fernando C ; Mucache, Hermógenes N ; Neves, Luis ; de Beer, Chantel Janet ; Ravel, Sophie ; De Meeûs, Thierry ; Mach, Robert ; Vreysen, Marc J B ; Abd-Alla, Adly M M Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for the tsetse species Glossina brevipalpis and preliminary population genetics analysesArticle Artikel 2023
10Dera-2023-Parasite-vor.pdf.jpgDera, Kiswend-Sida M ; Dieng, Mouhamadou M ; Moyaba, Percy ; Ouedraogo, Gisele MS ; Pagabeleguem, Soumaïla ; Njokou, Flobert ; Ngambia Freitas, François Sougal ; de Beer, Chantel J ; Mach, Robert ; Vreysen, Marc ; Abd-Alla, Adly Mm Prevalence of Spiroplasma and interaction with wild Glossina tachinoides microbiotaArticle Artikel 2023
11Machado Mello De Sousa-2022-Journal of Fungi-vor.pdf.jpgMachado Mello De Sousa, Thiago ; Gorsche, Rita ; Jovanović, Birgit ; Mach, Robert L ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R In Vitro Characterization of a Nuclear Receptor-like Domain of the Xylanase Regulator 1 from Trichoderma reeseiArticle Artikel Dec-2022
12Dieng, Mouhamadou M ; Augustinos, Antonios A ; Demirbas-Uzel, Güler ; Doudoumis, Vangelis ; Parker, Andrew G ; Tsiamis, George ; Mach, Robert ; Bourtzis, Kostas ; ABD-ALLA, Adly Interactions between Glossina pallidipes salivary gland hypertrophy virus and tsetse endosymbionts in wild tsetse populationsArticle Artikel 29-Nov-2022
13Vignolle, Gabriel A. ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Zimmermann, Christian FunOrder 2.0 – a method for the fully automated curation of co-evolved genes in fungal biosynthetic gene clustersArticle Artikel 25-Oct-2022
14Masi, Audrey Laura ; Stark, Georg ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Mach, Robert Erythritol production by the saprobe Trichoderma reesei: screening and optimization using Design of Experiments to better understand the effect of nitrogen source, carbon source, pH and temperature.Presentation Vortrag22-Sep-2022
15Schmal, Matthias ; Girod, Crystal ; Yaver, Debbie ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid A bioinformatic-assisted workflow for genome-wide identification of ncRNAsArticle Artikel 15-Aug-2022
16Pfluegl-2022-Acetobacterium woodii as a flexible and robust host for forma...-ao.pdf.jpgPflügl, Stefan ; Neuendorf, Christian Simon ; Vignolle, Gabriel Alexander ; Novak, Katharina ; Zimmermann, Christian ; Tomin, Tamara ; Mach, Robert ; Birner-Grünberger, Ruth Acetobacterium woodii as a flexible and robust host for formate-based bioproductionPresentation Vortrag 11-Aug-2022
17Daza Serna, Laura Vanessa ; Masi, Audrey Laura ; Serna Loaiza, Sebastian ; Pfnier, Johanna ; Stark, Georg ; Mach, Robert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Friedl, Anton Detoxification strategy of wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate for cultivating Trichoderma reesei: a contribution towards the wheat biorefinery.Presentation Vortrag15-Jun-2022
18Daza-Serna-2022-Sustainability-vor.pdf.jpgDaza-Serna, Laura ; Knezevic, Katarina ; Kreuzinger, Norbert ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid ; Mach, Robert ; Krampe, Jörg ; Friedl, Anton Recovery of Salts from Synthetic Erythritol Culture Broth via Electrodialysis: An Alternative Strategy from the Bin to the LoopArticle Artikel 11-Jan-2022
19Kreuter, Johanna ; Stark, Georg ; Mach, Robert L. ; Mach-Aigner, Astrid R. ; Zimmermann, Christian Fast and efficient CRISPR-mediated genome editing in Aureobasidium using Cas9 ribonucleoproteinsArtikel Article 2022
20Daza-Prieto-2022-Microbiology Resource Announcements-vor.pdf.jpgDaza-Prieto, Beatriz ; Raicevic, Nadja ; Ladstätter, Johann ; Hyden, Patrick ; Jovanovic, Ana ; Stöger, Anna ; Cabal Rosel, Adriana ; Mach, Robert ; Ruppitsch, Werner ; Martinovic, Aleksandra Draft Genome Sequence of Enterococcus dispar CoE-457-22, Isolated from Traditionally Produced Montenegrin Dry SausageArticle Artikel 2022

Results 1-20 of 90 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Dieng Mouhamadou Moustapha - 2024 - Interaction between tsetse symbiont...pdf.jpgDieng, Mouhamadou Moustapha Interaction between tsetse symbiont, pathogens on trypanosome infection in wild tsetse populationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2024
2Abele Jonathan Till - 2023 - Osteopontin - a potential Modulator of Subtype...pdf.jpgAbele, Jonathan Till Osteopontin - a potential Modulator of Subtype Identity in Pancreatic CancerThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Hohl Theresa - 2023 - The impact of overnutrition and oxidative stress on...pdf.jpgHohl, Theresa The impact of overnutrition and oxidative stress on apolipoprotein OThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
4Vignolle Gabriel Alexander - 2022 - Modeling novel bioinformatics approaches to...pdf.jpgVignolle, Gabriel Alexander Modeling novel bioinformatics approaches to investigate bioactive substance production based on genomics and transcriptomicsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
5Kreuter Johanna - 2021 - Genome editing in Aureobasidium pullulans via Cas9...pdf.jpgKreuter, Johanna Genome editing in Aureobasidium pullulans via Cas9 ribonucleoproteins and PEG-mediated protoplast transformationThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
6Cai Feng - 2021 - Resolving the conundrum of trichoderma taxonomy how ecological...pdf.jpgCai, Feng Resolving the conundrum of trichoderma taxonomy: how ecological genetics coupled with evolutionary analysis enhances the polyphasic species concept in FungiThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
7Koizar Daniel - 2021 - Characterization of the phenotypic diversity of...pdf.jpgKoizar, Daniel Characterization of the phenotypic diversity of Komagataella strains for biotechnological applicationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
8Spreitzer Fiona - 2021 - Investigation of paralog dependencies for targeted...pdf.jpgSpreitzer, Fiona Investigation of paralog dependencies for targeted cancer therapyThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
9Zehetner Leopold - 2021 - Metagenome analysis of the rhizobiome of Dactylorhiza...pdf.jpgZehetner, Leopold Metagenome analysis of the rhizobiome of Dactylorhiza traunsteineriThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
10Schaffer Denise - 2020 - Evaluation and testing of fungal cluster border...pdf.jpgSchaffer, Denise Evaluation and testing of fungal cluster border prediction based on computational molecular evolution (FunOrder) programThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
11Stout Merula Johanna - 2020 - GPSeq maps the radial genome organization during...pdf.jpgStout, Merula Johanna GPSeq maps the radial genome organization during neural differentiationThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
12Heydenreich Rosa Margarete Johanna - 2020 - The impact of the unfolded protein...pdf.jpgHeydenreich, Rosa Margarete Johanna The impact of the unfolded protein response on enzyme secretion in Trichoderma reeseiThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
13Schierscher Tobias - 2020 - Stress-protective genes from tardigrades.pdf.jpgSchierscher, Tobias Stress-protective genes from tardigradesThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
14Rabl Laurenz - 2020 - Design and expression of recombinant penicillin V and...pdf.jpgRabl, Laurenz Design and expression of recombinant penicillin V and aculeacin A acylases in E. coliThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
15Gonzalez Garcia Eric - 2019 - New approaches to DNA isolation methods from food...pdf.jpgGonzalez Garcia, Eric New approaches to DNA isolation methods from food and feed-derived productsThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
16Lepuschitz Sarah - 2019 - Antimicrobial resistance and one health occurrence of...pdf.jpgLepuschitz, Sarah Antimicrobial resistance and one health: occurrence of multiresistant human pathogenic bacteria in food and environment.Thesis Hochschulschrift 2019
17Akyildiz Hatice Oya - 2019 - Microbial community in the high canopy of the...pdf.jpgAkyildiz, Hatice Oya Microbial community in the high canopy of the Bornean tropical rainforest: molecular diversityThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
18Till, Petra Characterization of HAX1, a long noncoding RNA in Trichoderma reeseiThesis Hochschulschrift2018
19Martzy, Roland Development of rapid on-site applicable methods for the detection of faecal pollution in waterThesis Hochschulschrift2018
20Demirbas Uzel Gueler - 2018 - Improving Sterile Insect Technique for tsetse...pdf.jpgDemirbas Uzel, Güler Improving Sterile Insect Technique for tsetse flies through research on their symbiont and pathogensThesis Hochschulschrift 2018