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Leitgeb, Markus
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Results 1-20 of 24 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Veronesi, Stefano ; Vlamidis, Ylea ; Ferbel, Letizia ; Marinelli, Carmela ; Sanmartin, Chiara ; Taglieri, Isabella ; Pfusterschmied, Georg ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Schmid, Ulrich ; Mencarelli, Fabio ; Heun, Stefan Three-dimensional graphene on a nano-porous 4H-silicon carbide backbone: a novel material for food sensing applicationsArticle Artikel 10-Nov-2023
2Wahid, Shan ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Pfusterschmied, Georg ; Schmid, Ulrich A Novel Approach for Thin 4H-SiC Foil Realization using Controlled Spalling from a 4H-SiC WaferPresentation Vortrag21-Sep-2023
3Veronesi, Stefano ; Aureliano, Aureliano Macili ; Vlamidis, Ylea ; POMPEI, Emanuele ; Pfusterschmied, Georg ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Schmid, Ulrich ; Heun, Stefan Hydrogen absorption in a novel three-dimensional graphene structure: Towards hydrogen storage applicationsPresentation Vortrag4-Sep-2023
4Perazzi, Marco ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Pfusterschmied, Georg ; Vengattoor Raghu, Appu ; Schmid, Ulrich ; Zellner, Christopher ; Schwarz, Sabine ; Hahn, Rainer ; Kirnbauer, Alexander High-temperature Reorganization Behavior of Porous 4H-SiC Thin FoilsPresentation VortragSep-2023
5Macili, Aureliano ; Vlamidis, Ylea ; Pfusterschmied, Georg ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Schmid, Ulrich ; Heun, Stefan ; Veronesi, Stefano Study of hydrogen absorption in a novel three-dimensional graphene structure: Towards hydrogen storage applicationsArticle Artikel 2023
6Veronesi, Stefano ; Pfusterschmied, Georg ; Fabbri, Filippo ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Arif, Omer ; Esteban, Daniel Arenas ; Bals, Sara ; Schmid, Ulrich ; Heun, Stefan 3D arrangement of epitaxial graphene conformally grown on porousified crystalline SiCArticle Artikel 15-Apr-2022
7Schmid, Ulrich ; Schneider, Michael ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Pfusterschmied, Georg SiC Process Technologies for MEMSPresentation Vortrag2022
8Leitgeb, Markus ; Pfusterschmied, Georg ; Schwarz, Sabine ; Depuydt, Ben ; Cho, Jinyoun ; Schmid, Ulrich Communication-Current Oscillations in Photoelectrochemical Etching of Monocrystalline 4H Silicon CarbideArtikel Article 2021
9Leitgeb, Markus ; Zellner, Christopher ; Dorfmeister, Manuel ; Schneider, Michael ; Schmid, Ulrich Buckling Porous SiC MembranesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
10Leitgeb Markus - 2018 - Photoelectrochemical porosification of silicon carbide...pdf.jpgLeitgeb, Markus Photoelectrochemical porosification of silicon carbide for MEMSThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
11Leitgeb, Markus ; Zellner, Christopher ; Lukschanderl, Markus ; Schneider, Michael ; Schmid, Ulrich A Cellular Automaton Based Interpretation of Metal Assisted Photochemical Porosification of 4H-Silicon CarbideArtikel Article 2018
12Leitgeb Markus - 2017 - Metal assisted photochemical etching of 4H silicon...pdf.jpgLeitgeb, Markus ; Zellner, Christopher ; Schneider, Michael ; Schwab, Stefan ; Hutter, Herbert ; Schmid, Ulrich Metal assisted photochemical etching of 4H silicon carbideArticle Artikel 1-Nov-2017
13Leitgeb-2017-APL Materials-vor.pdf.jpgLeitgeb, Markus ; Zellner, Christopher ; Schneider, Michael ; Schmid, Ulrich Porous single crystalline 4H silicon carbide rugate mirrorsArticle Artikel Oct-2017
14Leitgeb Markus R - 2017 - Stacked Layers of Different Porosity in 4H SiC...pdf.jpgLeitgeb, Markus R. ; Zellner, Christopher ; Hufnagl, Christoph ; Schneider, Michael ; Schwab, Stefan ; Hutter, Herbert ; Schmid, Ulrich Stacked Layers of Different Porosity in 4H SiC Substrates Applying a Photoelectrochemical ApproachArticle Artikel Jan-2017
15Leitgeb, Markus ; Zellner, Christopher ; Schneider, Michael ; Schmid, Ulrich Porous Silicon Carbide for MEMSKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
16Leitgeb, Markus ; Nees, Dieter ; Ruttloff, Stephan ; Palfinger, Ursula ; Götz, Johannes ; Liska, Robert ; Belegratis, Maria R. ; Stadlober, Barbara Multilength Scale Patterning of Functional Layers by Roll-​to-​Roll Ultraviolet-​Light-​Assisted Nanoimprint LithographyArtikel Article 2016
17Leitgeb, Markus ; Zellner, Christopher ; Schneider, Michael ; Schmid, Ulrich A Combination of Metal Assisted Photochemical and Photoelectrochemical Etching for Tailored Porosification of 4H SiC SubstratesArtikel Article 2016
18Backes, Andreas ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Bittner, Achim ; Schmid, Ulrich Temperature Dependent Pore Formation in Metal Assisted Chemical Etching of SiliconArtikel Article 2016
19Backes, Andreas ; Bittner, Achim ; Leitgeb, Markus ; Schmid, Ulrich Influence of metallic catalyst and doping level on the metal assisted chemical etching of siliconArtikel Article 2016
20Leitgeb Markus - 2016 - Communication -- The Role of the Metal-Semiconductor...pdf.jpgLeitgeb, Markus ; Backes, Andreas ; Schneider, Michael ; Zellern, Christopher ; Schmid, Ulrich Communication — The Role of the Metal-Semiconductor Junction in Pt-Assisted Photochemical Etching of Silicon CarbideArticle Artikel 2016