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Arnold, Anton
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Results 1-20 of 237 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Arnold, Anton Hypocoercivity for linear ODEs and strong stability for Runge-Kutta methodsPresentation Vortrag12-Nov-2023
2Arnold, Anton Short- and long-time behavior in evolution equations: the role of the hypocoercivity indexPresentation Vortrag9-Nov-2023
3Achleitner, Franz ; Arnold, Anton ; Carlen, Eric The hypocoercivity index for the short time behavior of linear time-invariant ODE systemsArticle Artikel 25-Oct-2023
4Achleitner, Franz ; Arnold, Anton ; Carlen, Eric ; Jüngel, Ansgar ; Mehrmann, Volker The Hypocoercivity Index for the short time behavior of linear time-invariant ODE systemsPresentation Vortrag18-Sep-2023
5Nigsch, Eduard ; Achleitner, Franz ; Arnold, Anton ; Mehrmann, Volker Hypocoercivity in Hilbert SpacesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag18-Sep-2023
6Arnold, Anton ; Carrillo, José Antonio ; Matthes, Daniel All relative entropies for general nonlinear Fokker-Planck equationsInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag8-Sep-2023
7Arnold, Anton Hypocoercivity for linear ODEs and strong stability for Runge-Kutta methodsPresentation Vortrag10-Aug-2023
8Achleitner, Franz ; Arnold, Anton ; Mehrmann, Volker Hypocoercivity and controllability in linear semi-dissipative Hamiltonian ordinary differential equations and differential-algebraic equationsArtikel Article Jul-2023
9Arnold, Anton A hybrid WKB-based method for the stationary Schrödinger equation in the semi-classical limitPresentation Vortrag17-Jan-2023
10Achleitner, Franz ; Arnold, Anton ; Mehrmann, Volker Hypocoercivity and hypocontractivity concepts for linear dynamical systemsArticle Artikel 2023
11Arnold, Anton All relative entropies for general nonlinear Fokker-Planck equationsPresentation Vortrag19-Oct-2022
12Arnold, Anton ; Geevers, Sjoerd ; Perugia, Ilaria ; Ponomarev, Dmitry On the exponential time-decay for the one-dimensional wave equation with variable coefficientsArticle Artikel Oct-2022
13Arnold, Anton ; Signorello, Beatrice Optimal non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation for the convergence to a given equilibriumArticle Artikel Oct-2022
14Arnold, Anton A Hybrid WKB-based method for Schrödinger scattering problems in the semi-classical limitPresentation Vortrag20-Sep-2022
15Arnold, Anton Hypocoercivity and hypocontractivity concepts for linear dynamical systemsPresentation Vortrag11-Jul-2022
16Arnold, Anton All relative entropies for general nonlinear Fokker-Planck equationsPresentation Vortrag6-Jul-2022
17Arnold, Anton Optimal non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation for the convergence to a given equilibriumPresentation Vortrag16-May-2022
18Hammer René ; Pötz, Walter ; Arnold, Anton Corrigendum to “Single-cone real-space finite difference scheme for the time-dependent Dirac equation” [J. Comput. Phys. 265 (2014) 50–70]Article Artikel15-May-2022
19Arnold, Anton Optimal decay in Fokker-Planck equations]{Optimal non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation for the convergence to a given equilibriumPresentation Vortrag9-Mar-2022
20Arnold, Anton ; Geevers, Sjoerd ; Perugia, Ilaria ; Ponomarev, Dmitry An adaptive finite element method for high-frequency scattering problems with smoothly varying coefficientsArticle Artikel 1-Mar-2022

Results 1-18 of 18 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthors / EditorsTitleTypeIssue Date
1Signorello Beatrice - 2022 - Optimal decay estimates for hypocoercive evolution...pdf.jpgSignorello, Beatrice Optimal decay estimates for hypocoercive evolution equationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
2Woehrer Tobias - 2020 - On decay rates in linear kinetic equations with defects.pdf.jpgWöhrer, Tobias On decay rates in linear kinetic equations with defectsThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
3Stuerzer Dominik - 2015 - Insights into evolution equations from Fokker-Planck...pdf.jpgStürzer, Dominik Insights into evolution equations : from Fokker-Planck to Euler-BernoulliThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
4Miletic Maja - 2015 - Stability analysis and a dissipative FEM for an...pdf.jpgMiletić, Maja Stability analysis and a dissipative FEM for an Euler-Bernoulli beam with tip body and passivity-based boundary controlThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
5Ujvari Bernhard - 2015 - Numerische WKB-Methode fuer die stationaere...pdf.jpgUjvari, Bernhard Numerische WKB-Methode für die stationäre Schrödingergleichung : Spektralmethode zur PhasenberechnungThesis Hochschulschrift 2015
6Erb Jan - 2014 - Entropy method for hypocoercive Fokker-Planck type equations.pdf.jpgErb, Jan Entropy method for hypocoercive Fokker-Planck type equationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2014
7Hastermann Gottfried - 2014 - Diffusive approximation of the Liouville equation.pdf.jpgHastermann, Gottfried Diffusive approximation of the Liouville equationThesis Hochschulschrift 2014
8Ancellin Matthieu - 2013 - Regularity of the linear Wigner-Fokker-Planck...pdf.jpgAncellin, Matthieu Regularity of the linear Wigner-Fokker-Planck equationThesis Hochschulschrift 2013
9Faustmann, Markus Entropy method and large time behavior of the vorticity equationThesis Hochschulschrift2011
10Geier Jens - 2011 - Efficient integrators for linear highly oscillatory ODEs...pdf.jpgGeier, Jens Efficient integrators for linear highly oscillatory ODEs based on asymptotic expansionsThesis Hochschulschrift 2011
11Arnold, Anton ; Carlen, Eric ; Desvillettes, Laurent Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle SystemsBuch Book2010
12Thull, Daniel Pascal Tracking control of mechanical distributed parameter systems with applicationsThesis Hochschulschrift2009
13Stuerzer Dominik - 2009 - Stability of a closed-loop control system applied to a...pdf.jpgStürzer, Dominik Stability of a closed-loop control system : applied to a gantry crane with heavy chainsThesis Hochschulschrift 2009
14Arnold, Anton Mathematical Properties of Quantum Evolution EquationsBuchbeitrag Book Contribution2008
15Allaire, Grégoire ; Arnold, Anton ; Degond, Pierre ; Hou, Thomas Quantum Transport - Modelling, Analysis and AsymptoticsBuch Book2006
16Arnold, Anton ; Cercignani, Carlo ; Desvillettes, Laurent Classical and Quantum Mechanical Models of Many-Particle SystemsBuch Book2006
17Ben Abdallah, N. ; Arnold, Anton ; Degond, Pierre ; Gamba, Irene ; Glassey, Robert ; Ringhofer, C. Dispersive Transport Equations and Multiscale ModelsBuch Book2003
18Ben Abdallah, N. ; Arnold, Anton ; Degond, Pierre ; Gamba, Irene ; Glassey, Robert ; Levermore, C.D. ; Ringhofer, C. Transport in Transition RegimesBuch Book2003